19✔︎ The Secret

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This chapter goes out to Lisaluvblue!! Thank you so much for your hilarious comments and votes! I appreciate the support ❤️❤️❤️

And thanks to my twin for the inspiration for and help with this chapter!! lilsmilez217 ❤️👯


Blake caressed my back with his fingers as they brushed up and down my spine. We were too wired to go to sleep after our reunion lovemaking, so we just laid in each other's arms, not saying much, just enjoying each other's company. I was always so calm when I could just lay my head on Blake's chest and listen to his heart beat. He has always been my sense of calm in the chaos that is my life. Being a Carlisle, it is the norm to be in a constant state of upheaval, trying to achieve more and more left and right, but when I'm with Blake, I just get to be Jubilee, and I love that. Don't get me wrong, I love my family to the moon and back, but it's so refreshing to just be able to exist and know that you're accepted.

"What are you thinking about, Ju?" Blake whispered, placing a kiss to my temple.

"Just about how quickly my life has done a 180 now that I've allowed myself to feel for you what I've been feeling for so long," I answered quietly.

I felt Blake shift in the bed, and I knew he was looking at me. I tilted my head up and met his brown eyes filled with surprise and amusement.

"Elaborate," he ordered.

"Well, I basically have been suppressing my feelings for a couple years now. I've known about them and recognized that I deeply care about you for awhile, and I just was so scared of things not working out between us and losing you, that I never built up the courage to say something after I told you I just wanted to be friends all those years ago," I finally confessed.

"But why were you so afraid of losing me?" Blake inquired.

"Well, we both know that you've enjoyed attention from the ladies in the past, and that made me nervous about your willingness to settle down. Plus you're a freaking NBA superstar so I'm already competing with a score of women who will never go away and the thirsty media who will fabricate stories and call it journalism and not think twice about it," I explained, "Being with you was going to be a huge risk that could go horribly wrong at any waking moment. And I just wasn't ready to imagine a life without you in it. Especially after...well you know..."

"Oh, the part of our relationship you don't want anyone to know about?" Blake asked with a smirk.

"I never said that!" I quickly retorted.

"Oh, babe, that's exactly what you said," Blake continued to poke fun at me with his usual smirk.

"How can you even joke about this, I didn't talk to you for two months!" I loudly whispered, trying to make sure we didn't wake Ford.

"You didn't talk to me for two months because perfect, best friend of Blake Griffin, named Jubilee Carlisle had a major slip-up," Blake whispered in my ear, "A slip-up that gave me hope that we'd get to where we are now."

Two Years Ago

I cannot believe I am at this party right now, I thought as I stepped into Blake's new home in Pacific Palisades. He had been badgering me about coming, knowing it was Friday, and I liked to curl up with some takeout and a bottle of wine after a week of school. Yes, it was his housewarming party, but hell, I'd already warmed the house when me and DJ helped him move in.

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