Chapter 3

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I open the double doors that lead towards meeting room; the meeting room is cluttered with chairs that are filled with members of the pack. At the front of the room is a stage where my third in-charge, Luca is standing with Sam and some of my pack warriors. I walk down the narrow walkway while fellow wolf members bow their head in greeting, when I am up near the stage I climb up the stairs and walk to the centre of the stage.

Everyone goes silent and stares up at me waiting for me to speak about our issue at the moment. I don't know what to stay to my members but I know I have to speak soon.

After about a minute of silence I know what to say, "You all probably want to know why this meeting has been called." I start; I look around while everyone nods for me to continue. "The reason why is because I was just in a meeting with Cole, the Alpha of the Bloodstone pack. He wanted to make an agreement by marriage. He wanted to marry me and bring our packs together due to both of us not founding our mates. I disagreed with him because I know that all he wants is power which I will not give him." I finish and nod towards Sam to continue.

Sam stepped up while I stepped back and went to stand next to Luca.

After a while Sam speaks, "Cole didn't like the answer and got angry and started yelling. He hurt our leader and threatened her. He said that he would get revenge, so we are going to double up on patrol so we need some more wolves to help with patrol and we want everyone except children under 15 years old and pregnant wolves to start training in case of an attack to start. So tomorrow at 7am sharp me and fellow pack warriors are going to be training youse for the attack. That is it for now meeting dismissed. Get an early night and meet at 7am sharp tomorrow morning in front of the pack house. Goodnight."

Everyone stood up from their seats and started walking towards the exit while me, Sam and the other pack warriors stay back to work on the patrols for tomorrow and to work on game plan for when they come to attack. We talk for about an hour and leave the room to grab some dinner before heading to bed.

When I get into my bedroom it is eight o'clock and decide to head to bed. I go into my walk in closet and grab one of my oversized t-shirts and head into bed. I set my alarm for six thirty and dive into the covers of my bed and wait for sleep to take over while thinking about what might happen with Cole when he attacks. After about and hour I fall asleep while worrying about my pack.


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