Chapter 27

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"Pregnant?!" I can't be pregnant. How is this possible, like yes I know how it works but I thought we were protected. time we accidentally forgot to use protection.

All Fallion does is nod his head yes, his eyes wide with shock but then when you look closely there is also excitement in his eyes.

"Oh my god. We are going to have a baby?" When I say this I feel a smile coming on to my face. I've always wanted a baby but I didn't think it would happen yet. My smile is now a full on grin showing all my teeth and my eyes show excitement.

He nods his head once again, a smile coming onto his face. Next minute I know I am in the arms of Fallion and I'm lifted off the ground spinning in circles. I laugh my head off due to him being so happy and he ends up laughing with me.

After a while he puts me down and smiles at me before crashing his lips onto mine. The kiss is passionate and full of love and excitement. After a while we pull away and are breathing heavily.

I smile at him and take a step back. In possibly around six months a new born baby will be in this world and will be powerful. The reason why it will only be six months is because I have alpha blood in me and then Fallion was the leader of the rogues. This baby will be a powerful one.

"This is going to be so exciting. I've always want a baby, I love kids." Fallion says with the biggest grin as his face I am scared that he will break his face in half. I never knew that he wanted kids and that he loved them. I got to find out more.

"Same, how many kids do you want?" I ask. I have always wanted around five kids. I know it is a lot but I have always wanted a big family.

"I want maybe five or six, what about you?" He asks.

"Same. I have always wanted a big family. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Uh yea I had an older brother and a younger sister." He says I look at him and see sadness in his eyes.

"You don't like talking about your family do you?" I ask. He nods his head and looks down at the ground. "Will you ever tell me about your family, when your ready?"

He nods his head and I smile. He is still looking at the ground so I walk toward him and grab his face in my hands and make him look me in the eyes. When he is looking me in the eye I say, "Okay" and smile.

He smiles at me and pecks me on the lips before walking upstairs to our bedroom and I follow behind him.

We lay down on the bed with my head on his chest and him playing with my hair. After a while my eyes start to close and I end up falling asleep.

Hey everyone hope you like this chapter
Please if you want to ask questions if u are confuse and I will answer them all. Please comment and vote
Hope you been having a wonderful day.
Bye xoxo love you guys

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