Chapter 29

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Fallion's POV

I ran the fastest I can to the hospital ward in hopes I can save her before its too late and she passes away on me. I can't let her die on me I need her in my life to make me happy.

I make it to the hospital ward with Skylar's blood all over my hand and my t-shirt. Her blood was dripping from her stab wound and dripping of my hands to the ground while I run.

"Help. I need help. Your Alpha is dying!" I yell to everyone. All the nurses sprint to me and one of them is rolling in a stretcher.

I placed her down on the stretcher while they roll her out and into the emergency ward. I follow them but a nurse turns around and stops me.

"I'm sorry but you can't come in. We need to take her in for surgery and we can't get distracted while trying to fix her injuries. I'm sorry." She says in a quiet voice.

I open my mouth to yell at her when she turns around and sprints away to catch up with the other nurses and pulls Skylar into a operation room. I wait outside the door watching them do surgery on her. While watching they attach the heart monitor to Skylar in case her heart stops.

All I see is blood everywhere with sharp objects around her. A second later I hear a loud long beep filling the inside of the room. I see them cover the injuries and then start compressions. I see the doctor scream but can't hear him because I can't listen I am to worked up that I have see her heart rate is dropping.

By the looks of things they brought in a defibrillator, they turn it on and do what that usually you do then start compressions again. After about 3 shocks I hear a soft short beep that comes back repeatedly showing she was back. I smile formed on my face to know that she come back.

I see them go back to operating her, because I don't want to watch them operating on her anymore I walk off to the waiting room and wait for the doctor to come see me and tell me the good news. While waiting I think about the attack and what happened.

A lot of our members died but one of them was a person that is now gone that is going to make Skylar burst into tears.


I sit down in one of the chairs and look up to notice that I am the only person in the waiting room. I think about Skylar and pray that everything will be alright while waiting for the doctor to come.

After hours that seemed more like days I see them rolling out a stretcher with Skylar on it with tubes in her mouth and a heart monitor behind her. The doctor is behind them and turns to enter the waiting room not following the nurses pulling Skylar.

I stand up and walk over to the doctor.

"So? How is she?" I asked in hope of good news.

He looks at me then looks down and says what I was hoping I wouldn't here.

"She is in a coma and may never come out of it. If she does it may be months or years..."

And with that I collapsed onto the ground and burst into tears even though I was a guy I didn't care right now.

Finally did a P.O.V in Fallion's
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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Bye love you guys xoxo

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