Chapter 25

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Ten in the morning.

Nothing to do, due to what has happened to Fuchsia and all the attacks people are staying inside, guarding the border or they are in the hospital visiting patients, such as Fuchsia.

Its been two weeks since Fuchsia went into a coma and everyone is praying that she will come out of this curse of a coma good. Comas hurt at least on person, the person in the coma, or the people that love the person in the coma. The people in comas get hurt because they may never come out and then the loves one get hurt by hoping and praying that they will come back to their lives every single day of their lives.

Sitting in the lounge room all by myself drinking coffee and thinking about how painful it is to have to deal with people in comas. It brings tears into my eyes but I try my hardest to not cry but I can't keep them in.

I start sobbing holding my head in my hands letting my tears soak my face and hands. After a few minutes of sitting there crying all by myself, I sense Fallion coming into the lounge room. He knows something is up due to the bond we share. He enters the lounge and  he comes and sits next to me wrapping his arms around me. I turn around in his arms and bury my head into his chest letting my tears soak his shirt.

He rubs my back soothingly and lets me cry until there are no more tears left to come from my now red puffy teary eyes. I raise my head and look up at him and smile. He smiles back at me and places a small kiss on my forehead. I wipe at my tear stained cheeks and leave his comforting arms and stand up.

"What are you doing?" he stands up as well.

"Going to go see Fuchsia." I reply back and walk out of the lounge and the house and head towards the hospital ward.

After about ten minutes I make it to the hospital. I head towards Fuchsia's room to see I am the only person there. I head towards the chair that is placed next to her bed and take a seat. I visit at least every second day to make sure she is alright and that Sam isn't staying without sleep or food. sometimes I've got to take him home because he is staying for three days without sleep or eating.

 I grab Fuchsia's hand and look at her face giving her hand a squeeze, letting her know I'm here. Fuchsia's body has healed well that there is now only faint scars.

"Well its been two weeks. Everyone has been here at least once to pay their respects. Sam is upset and heart broken, he hasn't been going so well, he doesn't know what to do anymore. So please come back. Wake up."

My eyes start to water again but this time a hold the tears back. Its true what I said though, he isnt well.

Out of  no where I feel a slight squeeze on my hand. I look up and see Fuchsia opening her eyes.



She's back.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Please comment what chapter I should make them big attack happen.

Who wants there to be a argument between Fallion and Skylar? every relationship has a fight or two so why not?

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Love you guys.



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