Chapter 19

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Fuchsia's outfit to the side.

Thirty minutes we were all parking in the car park across the street, the car park was packed but we found two empty spots next to each other. The club was called, Neon 101, I think it was called that because that thought people would go there for emergences. The sign was obviously neon and around the edges there was bright neon lights shining.

I looked towards Fallion and saw him looking at me already and then I said, "It's party time!", then got out of the car.

I heard Fallion laugh from behind me and let a small smile show on my face. I close the door behind me and heard everyone else get out of their cars and close the doors.

I looked at Fuchsia and Sam and saw them holding hands while looking towards the club. They walked towards us and when they reached us the looked at me and both said at the same time, "A club,really?"

I smirked at them and nodded then grabbed Fallion's hand, and dragged them over to the club.

Once we were in the club we all went to the bar and order shots. Once we took the shots I looked towards Fuchsia and Sam and Fallion.

"Let's dance!" I shout and dragged Fallion to the dance floor with Fuchsia and Sam behind us gigging.

Once we were on the dance floor I wrapped my arms around Fallion's neck and swayed my hips to the rhythm of the song. I didn't know what it was called but it was a fast tempo song which practically made me look like I was grinding on Fallion while he just held my hips looking down at me.

I smiled up at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

We stayed on the dance floor for a bit longer until we got tired out and went to sit down in one of the booths they had at the club. The boys went off and got us some drinks while me and Fuchsia sat down chatting for a bit until two guys came up to us.

"Hey ladies how are you tonight?" One of them asked.

"We're good." I say. I look towards Fuchsia to see her looking at me with a nervous expression on her face.

"Would you two like a drink by any chance?" The same one asked.

"They won't because we have theirs drinks." I hear someone say when I was about to say no.

I look behind the guys to see Fallion and Sam there with our drinks. The boys gave the guys death glares and they nodded before scurrying off to God know where.

I look at Fallion and smile up at him, "Thank you", I say and once he sits down I give him a peck on the lips and grab my drink which was a sex on the beach, and brought it to my lips and had a sip savouring the flavour of the nice sweet drink.

The night was fun but it all had to end about an hour later and we were on our way home ready for sleep to take over.


Hey guys hope you liked the chapter.

While writing this chapter I was thinking should i make there be a fight between Fallion and Skylar.

What do you guys think.
Please comment if I should.
Love you guys have a good day.
Xoxo bye

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