Chapter 22

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"The sugary went well and we put her in an induced coma." The doctor said but I knew there was more to it by the expression on her face.

"But?" I ask.

"But, we don't know if she will wake up." She wore a sad smile and walked out of the room after giving a nod.

I look towards Sam to see him crying silently fresh tears pouring into his already tear stained face. Sam's hands were still covered in Fuchsia's blood but i didn't care, I grabbed one of Sam's hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze for support. He looked towards me and gave me a smile but it didn't reach his eyes.

"She's gonna make it, don't worry." I say to Sam, giving him a small smile.

Sam nodded his head and squeezed my hand before letting go and grabbing both of Fuchsia's hand. I looked at Fuchsia's body to see that she still had scars and her face but the blood has been cleared away, her skin was pale white and she had bruises that stand out from her pale skin. She had very big bags under her eyes that made it look like they were bruises, the reason she has bags under her eyes is because she is trying to heal herself which takes strength.

I stand from the ground and take a seat in the other side of Fuchsia and grab her other hand. Her hand is cold but I don't care, we just have to pray that she will wake from her sleeping coma.

I turn towards where Fallion is leaning against the doorway, when he sees I am looking at him he smiles at me and walks toward me. Once he is I front of me he grabs me by the waist making me let go of Fuchsia.

I was about to yell at him asking why he grabbed me when he sits down on the chair bringing down onto his lap. What I was going to say towards him vanish from my mind and I lean back into his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head and I reach back to Fuchsia and grab her hand again.

With my other wand I put it on one of Fallion's hands and let out a small sigh. I close my eyes still holding onto both Fuchsia and Fallion. I pen my eyes after a few minutes and look up at Fallion to see him already staring at me. I give him a small smile then lift my head a little and peck his lips.

When I pull back Fallion is smiling and then kisses my forehead. I lean back into his chest afterwards and close my eyes again.

The last thing that I think about before falling asleep is that hoping Fuchsia wakes up before the attack if there is one.

She's in a coma and they don't know if she is going to wake up. Let's hope she will.

I hope you guys have been enjoying this please comment what you think or comment what Peter you want and please please vote. Love you guys for reading this book I hope this book isn't sh*t. This is actually my first werewolf book and I am hoping this is good and also this book is actually made from a short story I made for an assignment that I had and then I decided to expand it.

I better stop before I end up writing to much in the authors note, anyways hope you like it and I will talk to you guys later, bye!!!
P.s. Remember to vote and comment. Xoxo

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