Chapter 16

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Fallion locks at me and smiles, I smile back at him and walk towards him. While I am walking towards him our eyes stay locked on each other's not looking away at any second.

That is until I bang into the edge of my desk and trip over face first. "OW!" I scream, I raise my hand to my face and run my hand down my face while in the background I can hear Fallion laughing at me.

I lift my head and see his head back his mouth wide open laughing hyena which made me laugh because he looks so ridiculous. Then out of no wear Fallion's chair swung back and he fell to the ground groaning in pain. I got up from the ground and went to where Fallion was on the ground still on the chair like he was sitting on it but on the ground. As soon as I saw him on the ground like that groaning in pain I started laughing my head off. After a while I had calmed down a bit and looked down at him to see he wasn't on the chair but still laying down.

He hadn't got up so I stretched my hand out to offer him help, he looked at it and grabbed it. But instead of pulling himself up he pulled me down and I landed on his chest. He let go of my hand and moved his hands to wrap around my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on his chest and pushed my self up to a sitting position on him so I was straddling him.

He looked up at me while I looked down at him with a smile on my face. Fallion's hands that were on my waist move up my body and to my neck. He pulled my head to his and our lips collided together.

The kiss was slow but passionate and my body felt like it was on fire. His hands were running all around my body, my hands were running up and down his chest feeling up his chest after a while his tongue came and licked my bottom lip, I gave him access and his tongue staring massaging mine. After a while if me running my hands up and down his chest over his shirt I started to run out of breath and was getting annoyed with his shirt being I the way of me feeling his chest so I grab the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and broke the kiss when I pulled the shirt over his head.

After his shirt was off his lips attacked my necks, my hands were again on his chest and he was trying to find my sweet spot. When he was just under my jaw I let out a moan letting him know that was my sweet spot, he chuckled against my neck and kept kissing me on my sweet spot and suction and licking my neck making me moan again and he kept repeating it and kept making me moan. My hands moved from his chest to his hair and started to tug at his hair at the nape of his neck.

He then rolled us over and I yelped in surprise. Fallion moved his lips back to mine and I tugged at his hair making him moan which sent a shiver down my spine. Instead of waiting for entrance he pushed his tongue into my mouth and the kiss was becoming rough and passionate and full of need. My hands were all over his body while his were all over my body.

Fallion moved his lips back to my neck and his hand grabbed the hem of my shirt lifting it up and pulling over my head which means breaking his lips from my neck. When my shirt was fully off I couldn't help but blush while he stared at my chest. "So beautiful." I heard him mutter.

Fallion started to kiss my stomach and travelled up to the valley of my breast and jp my neck, his hand were raising up my stomach his hands were cupping my breast through my bra. Fallion's lips were hovering over mine and then a second later he was back to my neck. I put my head to one side to give him more access and both me and him groaned in pleasure.

After a while I felt one of Fallion's hands slip under my bra and start massaging my breast. Fallion's other hand moved to my hair and was playing around with the ends of my hair.

"Can I mark you?" I hear Fallion ask.

I nod my head not being able to speak, i moan when he starts kissing up my neck until he at my sweet spot. When he is at my sweet spot he kisses it and sucks it and licks it and then I feel his canines come out and break the skin on my neck and I moan out in pleasure and a bit of pain. I feel him lick at the mark on my neck to make the pain go away and the blood being cleaned away.

We break away and look into each other's eyes.

I has the biggest grin on my face.

Fallion just marked me.


I hope you guys liked this chapter I will do another chapter soon.

I won't be able to do one tomorrow because I will be at Blacktown and I won't be able to make a chapter on Monday because I am going to a footy game. I might be able to do a chapter on Tuesday but I won't know until when I get home because I won't be at school instead I will be somewhere in the city doing a barista course yay.

So I hope to do a chapter soon.

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Love you guys for reading this book. This book has been really good for me to write and I hope you love it.

But for now I have to go talk later

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