Chapter 6

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sorry i didn't update the past few days. it might take longer for me to update now because school is back on and I have a  lot to work on this year being in year 10 and all. 

I will update when ever I am able to.

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When we arrived at the skate park it took about twenty minutes for Fuchsia to finally get the hang of it. We were at the park by ourselves and kept skate boarding, Fuchsia fell off her board probably about eleven times, Sam fell twice because I bumped into him and I didn't fall over. After ten minutes I stopped at there was a scent in the air that wasn't us.


They haven't come out yet but I know they are hiding and waiting for the right time to attack.

Rouges are here. I mind-link with Sam and Fuchsia, they turn towards me with wide eyes, they know that we have to change so when I nod we change on the spot to our wolves and then the rouges come out and run towards us.

I looked at Fuchsia and she was looking at the wolves with wide eyes, she knows them. I looked towards Sam and he had a look of worry on his face because he knows that Fuchsia knows them. There are probably around ten wolves coming towards us, a midnight wolf with emerald green eyes is leading the other wolves so I know he is the wolf the rouges behind him that they see him as their Alpha.

When they are about a foot away I smell something that I have never smelt before, it smelt like musk and smoke. Mate! Skylark yelled. I just stood there with wide eyes, I couldn't find my mate now and he certainly can't be a rouge, this cannot be happening.

I get cut of my thoughts when a brown wolf lunges at me; it was too late for me to react so I ended up on the ground with the wolf snapping his canines at me trying to bite me. I held my paws up so who couldn't bite me, I was bending my hind legs in to kick him off until he went and bit my left front leg.

I whimpered in pain and suddenly the wolf was off me and standing in front of me is the black wolf with emerald green eyes. I growled at him and went to lunge at him when I stopped because of what Skylark said. Mate! Mate!

Oh no. He cannot be my mate. He is not our mate he is rouge. I say but skylark doesn't have it because his wolf and Skylark are already connected.

Don't hurt Uriah please. She knew his wolfs name. I thought about what she said for a while, if I hurt him and I will become sick and die and no one will be able to lead my pack. Fine. I say. I can feel Skylark jumping around in excitement; I came back into the world and bow my head in surrender to my mate. He bows his head as well and tells the others to stop while I told Sam and Fuchsia to stop. After everyone stopped fighting everyone sat down and we all looked at each other except for the wolf that was in front of me.

He ran behind a tree a came back a few seconds later in human form, he was wearing basket ball shorts and had a black shirt in his hands. Let me tell you, he is hot, he had black hair and piercing blue eyes and had the most kissable lips i have ever seen, he had muscular arms but not too muscular to look like he was on steroids, they looked natural like he didn't even have to try and get those muscular arms that I just want to brush my fingers over, he had a six pack, I felt like I was about to faint. His basketball shorts hung low so his v-line was on view.

I looked back into his eyes, he was already staring at me when I looked up and we locked eyes, after what seemed like hours but were only seconds he threw me the shirt and said, "Change" Oh my god, his voice is to die for, he had a deep husky voice.

I nodded and went behind a tree and changed and put the shirt and I walked back out towards my mate.


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