Chapter 31

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Skylar's POV

He yells my name with happiness and so much love. I smile at him and he smiles back then leans down and gives me a giant bears  hug showing his love towards me. I hug him back with and much love as he is giving me.

He lets go after a while and we stare at each other over showing from our eyes towards each other. I lean up and give him a kiss on the lips for a few seconds then lay back down.

"I love you..." He says in a mere whisper.

"I love you too." I whisper back.

I wonder how everyone else is and think if everyone is alright. I know that some would die but I hope no one important to me has died.

"How is everyone?" I ask Fallion. Wondering if he knows. The look he gives me after I ask him that question I know something bad has happened.

"It's Sam..." He trails of then starts again, "he didn't make it. He was severely inured during the attack." I feel myself starting to shake and then I burst into tears, knowing my best friend is dead.

He hugs me while I cry into his shirt ruining it.

"And also... The baby... It didn't make it. You were badly injured towards you stomach and head." He says.

I knew the baby was gone from the start. I felt the baby leave my body when I got that really bad cut down my stomach. It  is still upsetting that my baby is gone.

I keep crying. More and more tears keep coming not stopping anytime soon. My tears soak his shirt dampening the place my head is. I try to stop crying but every time I think I have stopped I burst into another fit of tears.

After a while I lift my head from his shirt and stare at him and see tears pooling in his eyes but he isn't letting them come out. I give him a small smile with tears pooling in my eyes again.

After a few more minutes I feel tears landing in my hair and look up at Fallion to see he has tear stained cheeks and tears in his eyes then coming down his cheeks. I go back to his shirt and we both cry together over the lost of our loved ones.

I am so sorry everyone. I have been trying to find an idea for this chapter and I have been really busy with my friends and school that I haven't had time to think about what to write and not writing this book. I thank you all for reading this book but there is still more to come but this book is ending shortly and I mean very shortly like maybe only two chapter or one and an epilogue is left to do.

If you want comment below and give me some ideas of what I could do for the ending of this book.

The next chapter may be a while because I have an appointment with a special doctor then maybe be getting my tonsils out.
So sorry if you really want me to do the next chapter soon and I don't because I am super busy.
I love you all

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