Chapter 32

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6 months later

It's been six months since I have woke up in the hospital, lost my baby and lost my best friend. There hasn't been to much trouble with the pack anymore since Cole is gone. Fallion has always been by my side the whole time and I'm so happy to have him by my side.

Fuschia, Sam's mate isn't doing well, she went into depression. Five months ago she found out that she was pregnant, with Sam's unborn child which she was happy with but she was upset to know Sam would never be able to meet the baby or the baby wouldn't be able to meet their father. She has been getting better, she has been happy but not all the time. The baby is going to be here any day now and I can't wait to see her daughter and the new arrival to my pack.

When I woke up I had a nausea feeling in my stomach that I had to get out of bed and rush to the toilet. I vomited. I continue to throw up and while I am I feel someone pull my hair back and rub my back.


After a few more minutes of sitting in front of the toilet, I finish throwing up,  stand up and flush the toilet, then go to the sink and rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth then splash water on my face. When I finish I turn towards Fallion, he is looking at me weirdly.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask Fallion with confusion in my voice.

"Are you pregnant?" He asks, when he asked me that question my mouth dropped open in shock of the question he just asked me.

"What?! No!" I say, but then I rethink my words. "Well... I don't think so..."

He looks at me with wide eyes then grabs my hand and says, "Okay. We need to go to the pack doctor." And with that he dragged me to the pack doctor.


We arrive at the pack doctors room in a few minutes and knock on her door. She opens the door, she goes to ask what's we want but Fallion beats her to it.

"We need a pregnancy test." He says, the doctor looks between the two of us with wide eyes and then nods her head. We follow her to the pack hospital where the test is. When we reach there she gives me the test and tells me to pee on the stick. When I finish I give her the stick. She goes to her office, a few minutes later she comes back with a smile on her face.

The next words she says makes me scared but happy at the same time.

"You are pregnant Skylar."

I'm scared because what about if I lose the baby again. I have to be extra safe this time. I am also happy because we might not lose the baby and we will have a family.

I can't wait.


I'm sorry it's been so long I have just been really stressed and busy with finding a job and being in college. College is a lot harder then high school.

Next is the epilogue and hopefully I can bring that out soon.

Thank you for reading.

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