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5 years later

Skylar's P.O.V

"Lily and Tommy come downstairs for lunch!" I yell out to my five year old twins.

I was pregnant 5 years ago and we found out that it was twins, a boy and a girl. Tommy is older by 3 minutes and has his dad's hair and nose and my eyes. While lily has my hair and eyes and her dad's nose. It was one of the best moments of my life finally being able to hold my beautiful children. They are little rascals sometimes but then sometimes they can be amazing and adorable.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the twins running down the stairs and come into the kitchen to eat their lunch which consists of a sandwich each. While they were eating I hear the little cry of my little three month old daughter, Emily. I had another daughter three months ago which was amazing. I'm happy I had another daughter, I've always wanted three kids.

I walk upstairs and open the door to the nursery. I walk over to her crib and pick her up. She looked more like her father then me she only had my nose. I walk downstairs with Emily in my hands and put her in her baby seat.

After ten minutes I hear the front door open and the happy screams of the twins saying, 'daddy!'. Fallion has just walked through the doors after doing his rounds around the area of the pack.

I see Fallion walk in with the twins in his arms and laughing with the kids. He comes up to me and gives me a peck on the lips and puts the kids in their seats at the table.

"How were the kids while I was gone?" He says while walking over to Emily and picking her up and giving her a pick on the forehead which Emily adores.

"They were fine, just upstairs playing in their room." I say while smiling at Fallion holding Emily in his arms, smiling at her look she is one of the most amazing things in the world.

Half an hour later all the kids have fell asleep from playing with each other. We carry them all upstairs and tuck the twins into bed while putting Emily into her crib. We head back downstairs and cuddle on the couch watching a movie.

I rest my head on Fallion's shoulder while he pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. I look up at him while he looks down at me and then I kiss him. After a while of kissing we pull away and just stare at each other smiling.

We continue watching the movie then out of nowhere Fallion asks me, "Do you want to have another baby?"

I thought about it for awhile. I know that he has always wanted a big family. While I'm thinking I look up at him and he gives me a pleading look. By look at him I finally give him my answer.

"Yes but this is the last one." He grins at me and out of nowhere he stands up and picks me up and takes me upstairs and chucks me onto the bed then hovers over me and kisses me.

"Let's get started shall we?" He whispers against my lips. All I do is nod my head.

After that we tried for another kid with the love inside us both.

"I love you." We both say in unison.

And will for the rest of our lives.

The end


That is the end of this book. I hope u all have liked this book. Thank you for reading this book so much. If you like this book please vote or leave a comment.
Also thank you for being patient with me while making this book. I know it's been a long time since I did this book it's just been really busy and stressful lately.

Thank you again for reading this book...

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