Chapter 30

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6 months later
Fallion's P.O.V
Six months.

It's been six months since I have been told that Skylar may not wake up, she still hasn't woken up. I have been by her side ever since, I don't leave her side unless I need to go to the bathroom. People from the pack bring food for me to eat since they understand I don't want to leave her side.

Fuchsia and a friend of mine have been looking after the pack since I have been here with Skylar. I get the pack doctor coming in every day but once a fortnight he asks if I want to pull the plug on her. I yell at him every time and and tell him to go away. Every time he asks it hurts my heart that he is saying that she might not make it. I ask if there has been in changes and every time I get a plain boring 'no Alpha'.

Here right now sitting in my seat next to Skylar's bed, holding her hand I hope and pray that she will wake up and come back to me. Everyday I make sure that I have a fresh glass of water on the table next to me for if she suddenly wakes up and she would need a glass of water because she would have a dry throat.

I look down at her and squeeze her hand hoping she will squeeze it back to tell me she is waking up. I murmur quietly to her, "Please wake up, please. I need you so much, I miss you, I love you so so much please come back to me."

Tears start streaming down my face and I lay my head on Skylar's bed where her body isn't so I don't hurt her still holding her hand. I close my eyes to try and stop the tears from coming but they won't stop.

After a few minutes there is a knock at the door. I lift my head and see it's the pack doctor, I nod my head to let hear know that she can come and check up on Skylar. She check Skylar and then turn towards me.

"She better. Soon she may wake up but if she doesn't wake up in another month we are going to have to pull the plug I'm sorry." After the pack doctor says that she hurries at of the room.

I look back at Skylar and say, "Please wake up soon otherwise in a month they are going to pull the plug on you, on us, please don't let that happen." I cry after I say that.

I lay my head back on her bed and let the tears fall down my face. While I'm crying a feel something on the top of head like someone is brushing my hair back. I look up and see Skylar with her eyes open staring at me.

"Skylar!" Happiness courses through my veins and I jump up and hug her with all the love I can find in my body.

She's alive. My Skylar is alive.

Hay everybody sorry it's been so long I just have been having a busy school holidays hanging with my friends and assignments and finally getting sleep. I've been sleeping till nearly midday everyday these holidays. Anyways hope you guys likes this chapter.

The book may finish soon I don't know yet.

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