Chapter 9

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Oh my god. My lips are on fire; his lips connected with mine make them seem like a drug to me. Skylark is howling in happiness in my head. Fallion's lips stay still on mine just like he is giving me a peck on the lips, I don't mind though, because I don't want to take things too fast. His lips feel so gentle on mine but rough at the same time, it's a good combination.

After a few more seconds we both pull back, I can feel my lips lift up into a grin and I open my eyes ever so slowly to see him grinning at me. I look into his eyes and I feel heat rise up into my cheeks because the way he is looking at me shows all his emotions, love, lust and happiness. I can't believe that actually happened that was the best kiss I have ever had. Yeah, I have kissed a few guys before but it was nothing, those kisses were disgusting and not what I like. This kiss was what I wanted to feel my whole life, like this kiss is what my life depended on to stay here and be happy.

I look at the time to see we have about ten minutes till the meeting of Fallion and his mates becoming pack members. I stand up from the bed and look at Fallion to see him looking at me in confusion.

"The meeting starts in ten minutes, so we should probably head to the hall now. Let's go." I say and start heading towards the door.

I am about to open the door when I feel Fallion right next to me and he slips his hand into mine and he entwines our fingers and opens the door for us to get through. I smile to myself looking at the ground, he is so sweet to me and I know for sure I am already in love with him. We continue walking and after about a minute we are standing in front of the door that leads into the hall where the meeting is held.

"Ready?" I ask Fallion looking up at him since he is way taller than me, Fallion nods so I grab the handles to the doors and open them up. Everyone looks toward us and look down at our hands that are still connected.

We walk down the centre where we walk up to the stage; on the stage is Sam and Fuchsia with my third in-charge Luca and some pack warrior. While we walk pass pack members they bow their heads in greeting and so does everyone on the stage. I look towards Fallion to see him looking around everywhere, you can tell that he isn't used to any of this.

When we are on the stage I realise that the other rouges are on the stage behind Sam and Fuchsia. I look towards Fallion and see his eyes brighten when he sees his friends. I let go of his hand and he looks down at me in confusion so I go onto my tip-toes and whisper, "Go to your friends" and peck him on the lips quickly.

He nods his head and heads towards his friends and gives them one of those man hugs that guys do to each of them. I head towards the centre of the stage and let out a deep breath.

Let the meeting begin.


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love you guys 

until next time

p.s I will update every weekend if I can

bye xoxo

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