Chapter 26

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"Fuchsia?" I say once more.

I can't believe it, she's awake! Oh my god. When Sam hears he is going to be sprinting as fast as he can. Her eyes are wide open and she is looking around the room. She is probably looking for Sam, due to him being her mate.

I let go of her hand and stand up going to press the button to get the doctor to come in to see that she is awake. A few seconds after I press the button the doctor rushes in the room but stops mid-run and looks at Fuchsia with wide eyes. The doctor walks the rest of the way to the bed that Fuchsia is laying on.

The doctor checks Fuchsia's health and vitals, making sure that all injuries are gone. When the doctor has finished checking Fuchsia the doctor leaves the room.

I walk up to Fuchsia and say, "Don't mind link with Sam. I'll go get him. You need to rest and not work yourself yet, you only just woke up. You were in a coma for two weeks." Fuchsia doesn't say anything but nods her head in understanding.

After she nods her head I say good-bye, because I know she will want some time with Sam alone. I walk out of the hospital ward and run to Sam's house. Sam doesn't live i the pack house, he never wanted to he wanted his own space, but now he shares the house with Fuchsia because they are practically a married couple.

Mates for werewolves means who ever is our mate is our soul mate and they are practically married just without a certificate to show it, so we still get married by a priest sometimes. My parents actually were never married, they never believed in marriage to show the love they held for each other, and I don't believe it either.

After about two minutes of running I make it to Sams house and knock on the door. After a few seconds the door opens and a tired looking Sam comes into view. I give him a big grin due to me being so happy that he will be back to normal as soon as I tell him about Fuchsia.

"She's awake!" I all but scream.

After a few seconds he is gone from my sight, which means he is running with all his might to get to the hospital ward and see Fuchsia. He left the door open so I close it for him and then head to my house to tell Fallion the good news.

While I am walking home I get a sick feeling like I need to puke. I run towards the nearest bush and empty my stomach. After a few minutes I stop and breath in and out. After a while I start walking again and make it to my house and head inside.

I see Fallion in the lounge room watching TV. I walk past him and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I finish brushing my teeth I exit the bathroom only to come face to face with Fallion.

Then the words I never thought would come this early out of his mouth come. 

"You're pregnant!"


hope you guys like this chapter.

please comment and vote.

this book is possibly going to end soon but I dont know yet, it will just come to mind for when i should stop.

well anyways bye guys 

I will keep doing chapters but I don't know when the next chapter will come.

bye. love you guys xoxo

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