Chapter 13

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I wake up but close my eyes again due to the bright light, after a few seconds I open my eyes one at a time to see that I am in a room that is plain white.

I am in one of the rooms in the that we have in the pack house for the injured. I look around to see if anyone else is in the room or if I am by myself. Once I think I am alone, I spot someone right in the corner in the room. I can tell by the scent in the room that it is Fallion. I smile happily to see that he is here with me.

I stare at him for a few more seconds to see if he can feel me staring at him, right now Fallion was staring at the ground with his head in his hands. Finally what feels like minutes or even hours his head snaps up to meet my eyes and he gets up  fast from the chair making it topple over onto the ground hard.he runs over to the bed and grabs my face and smashes his lips to mine, hard. I feel like my lips are going to bruise now from how hard he smashed his lips to mine, but none other I reply to him by kissing him back. The kiss is passionate and rough, it makes my body feel like it is on fire from his touch. He traces his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance which I give him. Our tongues battle for dominance but of course he wins. His hands go to my waist to hold me steady and my hands go to his neck and my arms wrap around his neck while my hands tug at the hair at the nape of his neck making him groan and tighten his hold on me which makes me moan in pleasure.

After what feels like hours but were probably only minutes or seconds I run out of breath and I have a feeling Fallion also does because we both break the kiss at the same time. When I open my eyes that somehow closed when we were kissing, Fallion's face was red and he was breathing heavily and his lips were swollen and plump, his eyes were a deep green, indicating his wolf coming out and that his mood changed. His was looking at me with lust filled eyes.

I felt my lips turn upwards into a smile than into a grin showing my teeth over and he also did the same. I pecked his lips and then layer my head on the pillow and tried to get my breathing back to normal.

After a few minutes my breathing is back to normal. I can feel Fallion staring at me while I was trying to catch my breath and staring at the ceiling of the room.

"So how long was I out for?" I ask Fallion.

He stares at me and his smile fades into a frown while he stares at the ground.

"A month..."
I am so sorry that I haven't done Ny chapters for a long time.
School has been so annoying and really stressful.
I hope you like this chapter please vote and comment
I will do another chapter as soon as I can.
Love you guys xoxo

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