Chapter 11

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I drive into the car park and find a space to park the car in about five minutes, the car park is not too busy but a bit difficult to find a car park. I turn the ignition off and step out of the car, it is hot but a nice cool breeze right now so we cool off a bit. We parked near the entrance to the mall so it only talks about a minute to get to the entrance.

When we are inside there is a busker in the corner with a guitar singing, I look towards him and he has unruly brown hair and a nice shaped face. I walk towards him and take my wallet out of my bag and get out a fifty dollar note and put it into his guitar case where there is some other money, I look back at him after I put the money in the case and he smiles at me and nods his head in thanking.

Fallion is by my side and links his hand with mine and leads me towards the escalator where we can relax instead of walking. I look around the mall in happiness and grin at the mall in excitement to be back here again. I haven't been to the mall for around about a month so I am happy to be back here again.

I have always loved the mall, coming here helps me to stay calm and relax when I am angry; sometimes I just go window shopping but don't buy anything. But this time I am buying stuff for Fallion and this is going to be exciting. I get to see him change clothes and help him if he needs help or not.

We walk around the mall until we find a men's clothing store, the clothing store was really awesome, they had jeans on display that hung low on the waist and some really nice shirts that will look amazing on Fallion. We walk into the store and I go straight to the T-shirts with Fallion strolling behind me. I know that Fallion would probably most likely want to just stay with plain black or white shirts so I grab a few T-shirts and some wife beaters for him. I grab some other shirts, like some plaid flannel shirts. I next walk towards the jeans and grab nearly one pair of each type for him.

I grab some vans and converses and of course Fallion grabs himself some boxers and some socks. Once we have grabbed everything that we need in this store we head to the check out and pay for the things.

When we are walking out of the shop Fallion grabs my hand and asks, "Can I grab some flap caps?"

I look up at him and smile then lean up and peck his lips and say, "Yes, of course we can."

He smiles at me and drags me, literally drags me towards a shop that sells hats. When we enter the store Fallion runs straight to the section where all the flap caps are. He picks out a Lakers hat and some others hats that I don't know of. Once we pay for his hats we head towards the grocery store to pick up some stuff that guys always need, like shavers, shampoos, conditioner, deodorant and hair stuff.

Once we pay and are outside I turn towards Fallion and say, "We are finished. To the car." He smiles down at me and presses a kiss to my lips and nods his head after he pulls away. We head down to the escalator and go down to see the busker that was there before isn't there anymore. We walk into the car park and head towards the car and open the boot and put the stuff in the car and get ready to go in to the driver's seat of the car when...


Did another chapter.

Can you guys please give ideas to do before I bring the big attack in if you know something will go with this book.

I will do another chapter soon for you guys.

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Love you guys



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