Chapter 23

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When I wake up I am in bed and the other side is empty except on the pillow there was a piece of paper. I grabbed the piece of paper and bring it to my face and read over it.

'At seven thirty we are going out wear something fancy but not to fancy.
Love you, xoxo.

It reads, I smile to myself then check the time to see that is five thirty, I start to panic but realise that I have two hours left till I have to go downstairs to meet Fallion.

I get up from the bed and head to the wardrobe and grab my outfit that I am wearing tonight. After I grab my outfit for tonight i head towards the bathroom and take a shower and wash my hair.

When I get out of the shower I plug in my hair dryer and blow dry my hair, when my hair is dry I curl it and pull it up into a ponytail. Next I do my make up which consists of a bronze eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, a bit of mascara and lastly a nude lipstick to finish have the look.

I exit the bathroom and head into the bedroom and put my outfit on, my out fit is a plain red dress that shows the lining on the fabric of where the breast are and doesn't need a bra, over the top I wear a light denim wash vest that has rips in it, I put in my ears love heart UK flag earrings, I put on a pair of strappy black pump six inch heals and finish the outfit with my skin tone purse that has a nude coloured flower for opening it and the purse hangs from a gold chain. (Outfit on the side)

Once I have finished getting ready I look over at the time to see it is nearly seven thirty and I have to head down stairs soon. I head towards the mirror and check that nothing is wrong with the outfit because when I get downstairs I don't want to embarrass myself.

When I know everything is alright I take a few deep breaths and then head downstairs making sure not to trip over my feet. I have never been a fan of heels and they make my feet hurt so I hardly wear them, I've only worn them on special occasions which has been only three times.

Once I have made it safely down the stairs I put my bag over my shoulder and head towards the living room where Fallion is waiting for me with his back towards me. I head more into the living room and he must hear my heels clinking against the wood floor because he turns around and his eyes go wide in surprise. Fallion is wearing a light blue button up shirt with black dress pants and black dress shoes.

Fallion looks my body over and when his eyes meet mine again his eyes hold lust and shock. "You.... You umm.. Look.... I don't even know what to say because your more then beautiful." He stutters.

I smile at him and walk closer to him and peck his cheek. "You ready to go?" I ask he nods his head so we head towards the garage and head to my car but this time I let him drive because I don't know where we are going. We hop into the car and he starts the engine and doesn't tell me where we are going.

Can't wait for this and I hope it is something good.


Sorry it has been so long since I last updated I didn't mean to make you guys wait this long. Anyway, hope you guys like this book and are having good holidays if you have holidays.

And by the way I'm not from the UK just saying cuz I added the UK earrings I am living in Australia but from New Zealand so don't get me confused.

Also, please follow llamacorns23 if you don't already, she is my twin sister and she is such a nice person and cares for her friends when they are in any kind of feeling. She is the best sister that I could ask for. Love you llamacorns23, xo.

Please vote and comment love you guys xoxo bye

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