Chapter 24

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In about 15 minutes we park the car in drive in front a rich looking restaurant and there standing next to a red carpet is someone in a suit which I think takes the car to parking. The restaurant looks amazing from the outside that it looks like it would be amazing in the inside, from the outside it is a white building with black rimmed Windows and there is a black roof that comes from the entry to where the car is parked covering the red carpet.

We step out of the car and Fallion hands the guy our keys and then comes over to me. I look towards the guy and he has a smile on his face and I get worried that he is going to do something with my car.

When he is about to get in the car I yell, "Hey!" He turns around and faces me waiting for me to finish. "If you wreck my car don't bother coming back." I threaten.

His eyes go wide with shock and then turn to fear and nods his head hoping into the car and driving off to where they park the car. I turn back to Fallion and pull him towards the entrance. when we are at the door Fallion opens the door and lets me walk through and then he comes in behind me closing the door.

When I look inside it is beautiful, its a dim lighted room with brick walls, black curtains with black and white furniture. (picture on the side) I stand there, in shock my mouth wide opened looking around everywhere. I am taken out of my haze by Fallion grabbing my hand and taken me to the front desk to get a table.

When we get to the desk we stand in front of it, in front of us is a girl around my age with strawberry blonde hair and she is staring at Fallion like a piece of meat and is smiling flirting at him. It pisses me off that she is staring and smiling at him like that, that it makes me let out a growl that I didn't notice happen until they both looked at me. I let out a little blush but glare at the girl. 

Fallion can sense the jealously within me so he smiles at me and tightens his grip on my hand. he looks back towards the girl who now looks scared.

"Name?" she goes to the computer and gets ready to type his name in.

"Fallion Lace." he replies. She types his name into the comouter and then grabs two menus and tell us to follow her to where our table is. I smile at Fallion and we get to our table and sit down. 

For the rest of the date we just eat, laugh and talk enjoying each others company...


omg sorry it has taken so long for me to make a new chapter, i have been studying due to it being exam weeks. sucks.

i skipped the date because we all know what happens on a date so whats the point.

i am possibly going to end this book at around chapter 30 and then make and epilogue due to me not wanting to drag in on to long.

im going to make Fuchsia wake up soon just tell me when and i will do what you guys say.

please Vote and Comment.

love you guys.

hope you guys like it.

i possibly know that this is boring right now but the reason as to why is because i want to make the drama explode in a few chapters

possibly the next chapter is when it is going to start getting even more dramatic.

bye xoxo

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