Chapter 20

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I wake up in the morning to barking and howls of pain in the morning outside my house. I get out of bed and race to the window to see blood in the grass, wolves on the ground, some from my pack and some rogues and from another pack, wolves were attacking each other.

I looked around outside then I saw Fallion black wolf attacking a wolf. He is on top and bites the wolfs neck and it lies there limp. I hurry down the three staircases and sprint for the front door and as soon as I open the door I shift into my wolf and let Skylark take control because she has more strength then me when attacks come.

When I let her take over I watch what is going on like I am looking over her shoulder. We look around and I see a group of wolves in one area attacking one of my members.

We race over and I realise it is rogues and members from another pack ganging up on one of my members. I don't know what pack it is so at the end if we can we will possibly get one of the members from the other pack and ask questions.

Once we are where they wolves are we lunge for a dark brown wolf that is a rogue, we land on its back and bite the back of the wolf's neck and break its neck. I let go of it and it collapses to the ground dead.

Once I look up there I see a dark grey wolf with white paws racing up to me, the wolf isn't a rogue it is a pack member that came with the rogues. I realise now that instead of killing it I will knock him unconscious because when I look up most of the wolves are dead from their side. There are possibly ten on their side left and by the looks of it they had brought fifty wolves with them.

We look back towards the wolf and it lunges towards us, we let it push me to the ground so then we can use my hind legs and with all our strength can push it off far enough that it will hit into the tree and the wolf will be unconscious. We do as we say and in a matter of seconds it is knocked out.

We look around and then out of nowhere a wolf-a rogue- jumps me and we topple to the ground we then turn our body around and I see a blonde wolf on top of us baring its teeth. We squirm around try to get free from its hold but can't. We try to push it with our hind left but he has captured our hind legs.

Then out of nowhere I feel the wolfs body lying on top of me and then I look up and see Fallion's black wolf looking at me. I wiggle out from underneath the lifeless body and stand up on all fours.

I look around to see all of their side dead except the one I put unconscious. I quickly mind link one of the wolfs to tie the wolf up. I look around and then I see Sam next sitting on the ground with one of the wolves from our side in his lap him crying and muttering the words, "Stay Awake, you can't leave me.".



Well well well.

Another  attack happened and something is wrong with Fuchsia.

What's going to happen will she make it or will she die?

Find out in the next chapter.
Hoe you guys like this chapter. I wanted to put some more drama in so I did.
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Love you guys xoxo.
Bye make sure to keep reading.

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