Chapter 14

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"A month?" I question, tears welling up in my eyes threatening to spill but I hold them in.

I can't believe this. How is this even possible? What about the pack? They must have been so confused on what was going on. I wonder if there has been anymore attacks while I was out.

"Yea... The doctor put you into a induced coma due to you losing a lot of blood. He didn't know know when you would wake up, he didn't know if you were even going to wake up." His voice is shaking telling me he is on the verge of tears himself.

I sit up to be closer to him and raise my hand to put it underneath his chin and make him look into my eyes. Once he is looking at me his eyes are glazed over and his bottom lip is trembling.

Without thinking I wrap my arms around his toned but and lay my head on his chest while he rests his head on top of mine. I can feel him shaking which means he is about to cry. I feel sorry for Fallion because he had to deal with me and was so scared that I wouldn't wake up.

I feel myself starting to cry so I bury my head into his chest and sob, making his shirt wet from my tears. I feel a wet substance on the top of my head which indicates Fallion is also crying.

After a few more minutes i have finally calmed my tears and so has Fallion. I pull away from the embrace and lay back down on the bed looking at Fallion while he stares back at me.

"What has been happening with pack?" I question.

"I have been looking after them." He says. I am about to ask if there has been anymore attacks when he speaks again like he knows what I was thinking. "And non there hasn't been anymore attacks."

"How did you know I was going to ask that?" I ask. It is really creepy that he knew what I was going to ask so I just had to ask.

"Because I know you." I don't know how to answer that because he doesn't know me at all really, only the tiniest did he know about me.

"No you don't. You hardly know me." I say my thoughts out loud.

"I feel like I do though. Like I have seen you before, like just walk past me one time but I don't think I have ever seen you before though." He says. When he says that he feels like he has seen me before surprises me and then I look at him and feel like I have seen him before also.

I have got to talk to someone about Fallion to see if I have ever seen him before.

"Anyway, when can I leave?" I ask.

"The doctor said we can leave when you wake up and he gives you a check up." He says.

So now all we have to wait for is the doctor to come a give me a check up which I hope he comes any second because I hate hospitals.

Hey guys hope you liked the chapter
If you have been finiding the book a bit boring please comment them and I will try to add so more drama.

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Anyways, please vote and comment love you guys xoxox

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