Chapter 15

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As soon as the doctor has finished checking on me, I go straight to my room and changed out of the horrid hospital gown to my light wash high waisted denim shorts with a singlet crop top with the number '36' on the front with a crème coloured knitted cardigan and my white high top converses and a necklace and bangle. (Outfit on the side)

Once I have tied my hair up into a ponytail and put a but of mascara on I exit my room and head downstairs to the living room on the first floor.

Once I am in the living room I see Fuchsia on the couch watching television with Sam both of them wrapped in each other's arms

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Once I am in the living room I see Fuchsia on the couch watching television with Sam both of them wrapped in each other's arms. I walk to one of the couches and plop down onto the couch and wait for them to notice that I am here.

In a matter of seconds I am being tackled by Fuchsia and Sam with them kissing my cheeks and laying on top of me.

"Guys I can't breath!" I breath out losing breath.

They get off and mutter an apology and go back to cuddling on the couch for a minute until Fuchsia speaks up.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright, my back hurts a little but hardly." I tell her.

She gives me a smile and turns to the television, Fuchsia and Sam have been good friends to me ever since we ever me, like with Sam we have been best friends since birth and when we found Fuchsia, instantly me and Fuchsia became friends, I am lucky to have these two people in my life.

I turn to see what they are watching and see that they are watching sponge bob, I laugh in my head and watch it with them. When I was younger I used to always watch this show but now since I have been busy I hardly watch it.

After the episode is over I think about what to do tomorrow due to me not being needed tomorrow. I turn towards where Fuchsia and Sam are seating and an idea comes to mind.

"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" I ask.

They look at each other and shrug saying at the same time, "nothing".

"Did you want to hangout tomorrow I have an idea of what we can do?" I tell them.

"Sure, but where are we going?", Fuschia asks.

"It's a surprise but you have to wear something dressy but not too dressy", I say to both of them. They nod their heads and go back to watching television.

I get up from the couch and walk around trying to find something to do. I hadn't seen Fallion for a while so I go and look around for him. When I find him he is in my office looking down at some papers on my table.

When I shut the door and lock it his head snaps up to see who it is, when he sees it is me he smiles and stands up from the where he was seated and walks over to me.

Hey guys on this chapter there is also a picture of Fuchsia in the book if you can't find it please comment that you can't see it and I will post it in one of my other chapters for all of you's to see.

Hope you guys have a lovely Easter if I don't talk to you before then.
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