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         Tonight Shawn and I plan to live stream from 9:00 till midnight for the release of our new song "I Know What You Did Last Summer." I hate that I won't be with him when the song goes up. We will have to do with crappy YouTube streaming.
*One year tomorrow
My phone vibrates on the tabletop. The peculiar sound of the phone clacking replays in my mind even after I grab it to see the text. Its Shawn; my one and only. His name alone sends shivers down my spine. Not in a way that makes me fear life's enmity itself , but a way that makes me wonder why. Why would such an amazing person who is not only handsome, but talented, even consider the thought of dating me?
Tomorrow will mark our one year anniversary.
Oh god. The anxiety is flushing in.
That wasn't the smartest thing I could've done but my mind has become so blank that I have resulted to just emoji answers. Well, that's my generation for you.
*babe we should watch a movie together 😊
*does that logically make sense? I'm not with you, I'm all the way in ____
*i know but I miss you
*i miss you too babe
*idk I thought maybe we could watch something like over FaceTime
Shawn can be so dumb, but sweet at times.
Sometimes I just want to yell from the rooftops that I love him. All I want to do is hold him. I'm probably the only person in the world that just wants to lay next to someone, nothing else. (I think that was from somewhere, but I don't remember. If it is, credit to him/ her).
*We should do that then. But we have to start streaming soon
I can't wait to perform with him soon again.
"Uhhhhhh, hey guys, it's Shawn and Camila. We're just setting up so...."
Shawn is so godamn awkward.
(Yes ,I will be skipping through the entire live steam. Hate me, ugh. It would be a lot if dialogue, so just watch it yourself 😌)
                       *       *       *
"Now go get I  know what you did last summer!!! Bye guys!!!" I shouted to my laptop webcam.
"Yeah! Have a great night guys!!! Bye!!!" Shawn exclaimed, making a weird face to the camera.
Just as Shawn ended the live stream, he let out a big yawn shooting his hands up in the air, then scratching his nose.
"You do know that we are still face timing....right?"
Just hearing that made him shoot his hands down and stare awkwardly at his phone. We both chuckled then began to stare at each other.
I could drown in those eyes if I could....

* * *
Sorry this sucks, but I tried. This story won't really go along with their real life actions. So just Barr with me. If they say something they didn't say in a real life event, just play along .

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