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Shawn ~
         After an uneventful and nervous hour, I arrive at the airport. There looks to be an accident right in the entrance. Two cars, one survivor. Yikes, don't want to be a part of that. I look to see if either of the two cars were Camila's. Luckily, they weren't. The police soon came in, after about ten minutes, to lead traffic into another lane. I began driving around in the parking lot, looking for a spot.
Geez, it seems like every damn spot is taken. I drive into the parking garage and start looking for a spot there.
Suddenly..... I saw her car.
Camila's car is her, just sitting in the parking garage. I can't believe it's here.
I parked in a spot three cars away from hers.
By getting out of the car to see her, I might get immediately rejected. Meaning, all of this hard work, this time, this effort just gone to waste. I don't want it to be like that.
I love her so much and I just want her to be with me. I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't with me.
I know that if I let her go, she's never coming back. I can't let her go. We've been through so much that I can't just throw it all away. I know she can't do it either.
I get out of my car and take a step.
Please be here.
I began walking towards the airport. I glanced at Camila's car.
God, this is agonizing.
Then, I noticed that she was in the car.
She never left.
I checked the time on my phone and it is twelve twenty-four. She would've already been in the waiting area for the plane.
I inhaled and slowly walked toward her window. Her head was against the steering wheel.
I was now inches away from her window.
I tapped on her window and she looked at me in tears with mascara running down her face.
I immediately opened her car door. She stepped out and just stood there. She began wiping some of the tears off of her face.
"You probably hate me, huh?" She stated. With every tear she wiped, another one formed.
I wrapped her in my arms and tears streamed down my face.
"I just couldn't go through with it." She mumbled into my coat.
"Shh....." I kissed her forehead.
I pulled away to look at her.
"Please don't do that to me again. I love you too much for you to just disappear."
"I know, my feelings just got me all fucked up. I just didn't want to get hurt."
"You know I wouldn't do that."
"No, Shawn, I really didn't know."
"All that matters is that you're here with me now."
She nodded and kissed my lips.
"Let's go home, babe." She smiled.
I linked hands with hers and we walked towards my car.
We got into my car and left the garage.
"What about my car?" She asked as she pointed at it through the window.
"We'll get it eventually."
"Sure we will." She and I smiled as we drove off.

God, I wish this relationship didn't have so much drama in it.

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