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That Night
Camila ~
Shawn and I've been laying in bed, listening to music. I still can't comprehend what just happened. I'm scared to the bone of him now. I'd never thought that he would ever even do such a terrible thing. I feel a lot more safe in Shawn's arms.

Shawn ~
I should kill him. That son of a bitch. I'm somewhat glad that he's going to be put in jail, but I feel guilty for not protecting her. I know I continue to say the same god damn thing over and over again, but this thing keeps replaying in my mind. I'm never going to leave her side.
"I love you." She added into the silence. I didn't respond. I obviously love her as much as she loves me, but the guilt is clogging up my mind. I know I continue to say the same thing over and over again, but I just can't help myself.
"Now people will ask me about the whole thing and I'll cry and I hair don't want to have to deal with it." Camila rubbed her face in stress.
We obviously can't tell them she got raped, that would cause too much of a stir for the media.
"Runaway with me." The first thing that leaves my mouth is something that is ver contradictory.
"Runaway?" She quickly replied back.
"Just get out of the limelight for a while. People will soon forget about us and then we can resume our lives together. Camila, I want to live with you for the rest of my life."
She turns her body around to fully understand if I'm not high. Her confused eyes told me that I'm acting really crazy.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She left her jaw hanging open.
"Let's get married." I monotonously say. I grab hold of her hand and grip onto it.
"Wait," she lets go of my grasp," I already brought this up this morning. You said I was crazy. Now you want to get married? What happened to us being too young for this kind of commitment?"
"I know what I said this morning, but I've been thinking it over and I don't care if we're both younger than the usual marriage age. All I want is you."
Her confused look turned into satisfaction. She was probably relieved at the fact that I agreed with such a crazy thing. Even I'm saying it's crazy, but I could care less.
"I love you, Shawn." Her beautiful nose crinkled and a bright smile shined on her face. She wraps her arms around me and I rubbed her back.
"I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you." I spoke over her shoulder. I glanced at a framed picture of the two of us on the Santa Monica Pier for her birthday. I could vividly remember that day; us holding hands as she almost trips on that nails sticking up from the wooden floor board. We were lucky enough to actually see the sunset. We had pushed our way to the front of the bundle of tourists trying to get the perfect selfie. It was picture perfect when she pressed her lips onto mine. The day I had met her I knew I was in love, that kiss alone was reassurance.

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