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Shawn ~
"So what do we do?" She asked, pulling away from the hug. Oh geez, what do we do?
"I guess just get married ." I shrugged my shoulders. She bounced up in excitement and ran into the closet to change her clothes.
"Shawn, get dressed." She yelled out.
"Aren't we just going to the courthouse?" I asked. I do plan to get a ring for her and she plans to get a ring for me, but I never thought it would come this quickly. I got off the bed and grabbed clothes out of my dresser.
As I put on a black jacket over my gray shirt, Camila walked out of the closet in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen.
"How do I look?" She asked as she twirled around in her dress. I didn't know how to respond. She looked like a goddess descended from heaven.
"Well?" She asked, wanting a reply.
"You look.... You look so beautiful." Her rosy cheeks blushed at the compliment. She continued twirling in her outfit until I had fully put my shoes on.
"Do you want to get rings or something?" I asked unsure of what to do. I'm new to the whole marriage thing.
"Yes! Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" She jumped around.
"Wait," holding her shoulder," what if someone sees us?" I asked. She stopped her exciting jumping to look at me.
"Honestly I don't care. Just tell the world, then we can get out of everyone's eyes." I nodded my head as I locked fingers with her and dragged her out of the apartment and into the car.
I closed her door and got into the driver's seat.

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