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Shawn ~
           It feels weird telling everyone that I'm dating Camila now. Usually I would feel fine to tell my fans whatever they would like to know. But.... I don't know. I feel like dating Camila in secret made it like a nice getaway from the world. No one to tell us what to do or say, just love one another.
I shouldn't have yelled at her. Not only did I make her cry, but it almost made me cry (which is hard to do). That was a bad decision. I could've lost her and I just can't risk that.
Should I call her? I feel really bad now that I left during a fight. Again, a bad decision on my part. Okay, I'll call her.
Don't just hang up on her like that again, Shawn.
I call her cellphone, no reply yet.
Still calling, still no reply.
Ten seconds (too long), still ringing, still, no reply......
Should I just hang up? Is she really that mad to not answer my calls? God, I messed up. Something as simple as yelling at a person can affect them so much. God, I hate crap feelings.
"Hello?" Oh my god, she answered. Crap, what the hell do I say?
"I'm sorry." I replied to her. I can't see her face right now, but I know she's gasping. Weird, I know her so well to know what she's doing when I'm not even with her.
"I understand." She sighed. Is she really okay? She's really emotional so it's hard to think that she's ok with my stupidity.
"I didn't mean to yell at you."
"I know. I don't blame you. If I was in your position, I would have been just as much of a dumbass as you were." She chuckled, but I didn't.
There was silence for a good five seconds before we both synchronized in breaking  the silence.
"I love you." We said. That's so weird we both knew exactly what to say, and when to say it.
Words can't specifically describe what we said in order to make it sound not so crazy. We went back and forth with "I Love You's" and all of that romantic stuff. We both feel really stupid, to say the least, for what we did. Or at least I do.
We both decided to return back to our old life style. No, not saying we are breaking up, but not to freak out over the little things, if that makes any sense to you. I just don't want to mess things up again. I love her too much to mess shit up again.

Camila ~
AHHH! IM HAPPY!!! Okay, well, that was sudden and abrupt. I just feel like my brain might explode from the happiness in my mind.
1. I'm dating Shawn
2. I get to tell everyone I'm dating Shawn
3. I'm dating Shawn
4. Did I mention that I'm dating Shawn. (No, I vaguely recall that you're dating Shawn , XD)
I finally get to shout out to the entire world that I love Shawn. Fuck, I might die from a heart attack.

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