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Camila ~
           We held hands and ran out of the court house. We are officially together. We get to spend the rest of our live together and grow old together and just love. I can't fathom how amazing this is.
"Shawn," I started as his gorgeous eyes met mine," I love you." I quickly pressed my unworthy lips onto his. Surprised at first, he soon kissed me back. Fuck, this is where we start the rest of our lives. I was legally an adult before, but now it's basically official. I've grown up. I've grown up and I will continue to grow up with the light of my life, Shawn. I've never wanted to live the rest of my life with someone ever before. It's extremely different from my other feelings, but they don't matter anymore. This is the day that I have been married to Shawn. I never imagined this day to come so soon. Again, it could be any time in my life and I would feel the exact same way about Shawn. I. Love. Him. I want to scream those words from the tops of skyscrapers. The best part is that I can now. I get to marry my best friend. Fuck, I can't get this wrapped around my head, but I love it. Love it love it love it. Nothing more or less I could say about this. Thank you God.
We ran to the car and quickly hopped in. Both of our hearts beating a million times a second. I don't even think Shawn knows what to say.
"So," he says while breathing heavily in excitement," where do we go now?" He gripped the steering wheel with both hands and only looked forward. Forward is just the beginning of everything. It's only a matter of time until we both become oblivion.
"Anywhere." I replied. He nodded his head as he pressed his right foot down on the pedal. My heart is beating as fast as a hummingbirds wings a second. I don't exactly know where this single drive will take us, but anywhere with this lovely dove is home.

•••••••••AUTHOR'S NOTE•••••••••• PLEASE READ❤️❤️❤️

That's it. That's the ending. Out of all of the crap they've endured, they end up running away and getting married, all in good hope though. I truly do hope you guys enjoyed this ending. I thought it was the most appropriate way for these two to leave.
This was my first ever successful book and I'm so glad you guys liked it. I was appalled at first by all of the love you guys gave it. I'd never expect a Shamila fanfiction to receive this much support, but this community is amazing.
Thank you to everyone who voted, commented, added this to a reading list, and just read this book. Honestly, every time I got a notification of somebody voting on this story, my heart would light up. That would mean that I did something right. Thank you. This book would not have been possible without all of your guys support. Thank you so much.
No, there won't be a sequel, unfortunately. This ending is just it. You will have to interpret what happens next yourself. I would also like to explain the reason for the randomly dramatic things occurring. These things happened to emphasize that love isn't easy. You're put to the test of your fullest potential and it's not just one. These occurrences in the book show just how much the two of the them love each other. They have stayed with each since the beginning and will probably continue until the end. They thank you for going on this journey with them.
In the meantime, please please please support my other books. It would be very helpful.
I love you all so much. Don't ever grow up🌠.

Completed May 13th, 2016

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Completed May 13th, 2016. 9:09 PM.
Published May 15th, 2016. 9:37 PM.

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