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Camila ~
I want to marry him. The only problem is he doesn't want to marry me. I'll just play it off like nothing happened but I can't act like my true love is making up excuses for not wanting to marry me.
Then again we are too young to get married so what am I thinking?
I walk into the kitchen and grab an empty bowl and a cereal box.
"Milk..." I mumbled to myself.

Shawn ~
I lied back onto the bed. I then heard a ding come from Camila's phone. I feel like I'm intruding on her privacy, but I'll just see who texted her.
I look over and see that it's...Austin.
Why does she still keep his number? My curious self also decides to read the message he sent.

Austin: 2:00
Austin: my place
Austin: let's talk

Let's talk? About what? Is she cheating on me?
She walks in with a bowl of cereal and sits on the bed.
"Hey," she spoke mid-crunch," why are you on my phone?" She set her bowl aside and swiped her phone out of my hands.
"Why do you still have Austin's number?" I asked I Ching closer to her face.
"I don't know. I" She's lying about something...

"Why are you two meeting up?" I questioned her.
"We're not." She looked away.
"Then why is he texting you?"
"I don't know! God!" She stood up and quickly ran out of the room.

Why won't she tell me the truth?

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