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[On the day of Jimmy Kimmel Performance ]
Camila ~
      Today is the day I finally get out of the boring routine of just watching Netflix all day and eating. My vacation is over and I get to go back to doing my job that I love.
*Mila have you landed in California yet
I receive a text from Dinah.
*No but I have to put my phone on airplane mode so bye ✌️✌✌
I turned my phone on airplane mode and locked it.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Los Angeles shortly. Please put all and any mobile devices on airplane mode and please buckle your seat belt. Thank you for flying with American Airlines we hope to see you again soon. Have a great day in Sunny California."
I followed the flight attendant's instructions and buckled in my seat belt. I had the pleasure of sitting in the window seat; the best seat on the plane. Well, actually, I think any seat in first class in the best, but I don't ride first class. Back to the window seat, I loved being able to look out of the window as the airplane ascended from Miami and descended into Los Angeles. Seeing cotton candy clouds gave me butterflies.

The plane finally landed and I headed off to baggage claim to go get my tiny white suitcase. Getting to baggage claim alone was hard enough with fans freaking out over my presence, even though I'm not even that popular. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but my bodyguard had a hard time pushing through the crowd of fans. Damn, these people actually care
[Four hours skipped]
"Hurry up! We're on in five." The stage producer yelled at everyone. I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my hair.
"You okay, Mila?" Normani asked me, rubbing my shoulders.
"Yeah, just a bit nervous. People expect a lot tonight." I look down at my hands, intertwining with each other.
"Oh, you don't have to worry. We're going to do well. YOU'RE going to do well. Don't stress it." She smiled at me and walked away to talk to someone else, I couldn't see.
When she asked me what was wrong, I lied. I'm not nervous. I'm prepared for this performance. However, I was just worried about Shawn and me. Well, for one thing, I might be a bit too obsessive with our relationship. I think about him all of the time, what if he doesn't think about me as much as I do? I'm stressing this out way too much. But, I would like to still know if I'm on his mind at least once a day.....
                      *     *     *
"WOOOOOOO!!!!! YEAH!!!! " The tiny studio audience made lots of noise after our performance of "Worth It."
I loved being on stage and doing the thing I love. Singing is a great desire of mine and I'm just glad I'm not letting it go to waste.
We all walk off stage and give each other a pat on the back for working so damn hard. Everybody was all pumped up and ready to just party or something. To be honest, this group of people is just hard to fully understand.
The rest of the girls began changing out of their stage outfits and into some regular and comfortable clothes.
After a while of everyone all ready to go and just hanging out, they all start to head out.
"You coming?" My manager asked me while he (I don't know who their manager is. Agh. Just call me a fake fan already even if I'm not. Aghhhh.) gave me a stern 'hurry the hell up' face and chewing that crap tasting mint gum.
"In a little bit." I looked at my hands, hoping he would just go away. I took a quick glance at him, his hands were still holding onto the frames of the door as he slowly chewed that damn gum. He sighed in a disappointing kind of way and mumbled to himself.
Finally, he tells me," Five. You got that? You get five minutes." He rolled his eyes (in a slow manner, of course) and left the room.
My phone abruptly began to vibrate on the table.
It was from Shawn. Just when I stopped most of my stress, it all influxes in again. Something as simple as a "hey," can get me so worried.
Something simple, let's keep it at just that.
*just got done performing with the girls, you?
*in the car to an interview
Nice, Karla, nice. One word answers totally get a conversation going. Nice.
"Camila, your five minutes are up. Let's go." I follow his instructions, grab my bag, and head out. I quickly wave to the fans and hop into the black SUV.
"Why were you taking so long?" Lauren asks me, glaring at me at the same time. She kinda scares me, but damn, her makeup is so well done.
"I'm just slow, man! Don't hate me!" Everyone laughs and playfully punches my shoulder.
"So....." Ally gives me a really weird looking smirk. When I say weird, I mean really weird.
"So....what?" I question her. Like, now, her face is scaring me. To make situations even better, everyone else begin to give me the same face. Do they even realize how creepy they look?
"How are you and Shawn?" Ally asks me.
"Oh, is that what this is about? Well, we're doing great." I flashed her s big smile. Even after I answered her question, she (and everyone else) still gave me a weird face. Everyone chuckles and pokes me.
"Hey, I'm not the ones with weird faces
right now." Everyone laughs once again. It's just a lot of laughing here.
                           *    *    *
Everyone is now dead silent either looking at their phones or taking a nap. I look down at my phone to see a text from Shawn.
Oh crap, I forgot I had been texting him. I read his text, leaned back into my seat.
*how long are you staying in LA?
*three more days
*why? [<still Camila]
*I'm going to be in LA for two days. Thought we should hang out
Well, that's official. He's the cutest. I blushed.
*we should
Well, at least that wasn't one word; technically.
He didn't really answer anything back. I don't blame him, how does one answer a non-extensive text?
The girls and I are still in the car, waiting to get out of this stupid car. To pass time, I rest my head against the window of the car and I begin to fall asleep. It's been a long day.......

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