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Shawn ~
We finally got back from the I heart radio awards. Camila walks into our apartment and plops into the couch. I walk into our bedroom and set down my jacket.
I then walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror. Damn, I almost forgot about my bruises. I attempted to touch one right under my eye. Just as my finger met with my face I already felt pain. Shouldn't I go to a hospital or something? No, Gerty said I should just wash it off.
I close the door and undress myself as I step in to the shower. I twist the handle and cold water splashes on my body. Even cold water makes my bruises hurt. Nonetheless, I just stand there underneath the shower head thinking about that bastard Austin.
There was literally no reason for him to fight me. I know he wants Camila, but that's just too bad. Unlike him, I don't just want her for her body. Unlike him, I would never cheat on her. Austin needs to just disappear. Every time he's around he causes so much trouble. This has not only effected me, but Camila as well. I hate how she's stuck in the middle of all of this. I just want to keep her safe from harm. I love her so much and it truly does hurt me to see her in such emotional pain.
I stared at the ground as small drops of blood dripped down and the sound of rushing cold water drained out the world. I breathed in to take in the stress and breathe out to relieve myself of it.
I twist the handle to turn the water off and the first thing I hear is screaming. I quickly put on a pair of boxers and run out of the bedroom to Camila. As I entered the living room, I see fucking Austin holding Camila down. He's fully undressed as Camila is undressed with just a bra on. She squirmed away from his kisses, but he continued to pull at her bra straps.

How did he get in here?

I immediately ran at him.

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