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Shawn ~
The police came into our apartment and handcuffed Austin. Sick bastard. They questioned us about what had exactly happened. Camila was sobbing into my sweater and the palms of her hands. The only words that could come out of her were," I was just answering the door." She couldn't even say anything to me. The police didn't question her long as she is emotionally disturbed. They soon left us here, alone in the dark. Camila's wailing were the only things that could keep me sane, weirdly enough.
"Shawn," Camila sobbed," he t-touched me." I didn't even want to hear those disgusting words leave her mouth. Tears left my eyes just at the thought of her being in some way hurt kills me. That son of a bitch RAPED her. I feel terrible for not protecting her. For not being at her side at every second. How could I have been so stupid as to do such a thing?
I hope Austin rots in hell.
"I'm sorry." I replied to her as I start to wipe tears away from my eyes. Then again, this is an appropriate time to cry.
"For what?" Her voice cracked mid-sentence. I hate hearing her voice when she cries. Her crying voice just reminds of a a whining puppy. It's just terrible and I hate to see her like this. Such a terrible estate.
"For not protecting you." I answered her as she looked ip at me and backed a bit away to fully see my face. "You did protect me, though."
"No I didn't. You were touched and I wasn't even with you to prevent it. I'm so so so sorry." She placed her palm on my cheek and looked into my eyes.
"You're protecting me right now. I would be even worse than how I am right now if it weren't for you." I smiled and she buried her head in my chest.
Even with those smooth words I still feel as though I've failed as not only her boyfriend, but a human being in general.
"Just promise me you'll never leave my side." She muffled through my sweater.
"I'm never leaving you." I replied as I kissed the top of her head.

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