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Shawn ~
"Hey, Gerty, got any water? IM DYING OUT HERE." Gerty, Geoff, and I went for a hike, but SOMEBODY forgot to bring the drinks.
"Calm down,Shawn! Here, take my damn orange." He tossed his orange towards me, but it slipped out of my hands. Then, THE MOFO ORANGE FELL ON THE GROUND AND BOUNCED OFF OF THE (tiny) LEDGE WE WERE STANDING ON!!!!
"I. WILL. DIE." I shouted to the sky and fell onto my knees, throwing my hands upwards. I looked at Geoff and saw that he mumbled the words "what.the.hell." I then looked to the right to see that a woman was jogging while giving me a weird face. Feeling REALLY awkward, I get up, dust the dirt off of my legs, and walk away. Let me just act like I didn't act like a complete idiot just now.
Shawn, you idiot, we've been out here for an hour. Not even that long.
"Don't worry , bud," Gerty rubs my back with a 'you'll do better next time' face," you're always like this." He jogged forward without looking back.
Always like this? Always stupid? Always.......weird? Yeah, yeah, he's right..........
* * *
"SHAWN! SHAWN! SHAWWWNNN!!! WHY ARE YOH JUST LAYING HERE?!? IT IS FREAKING RAINING!!!" Geoff yells in my face, pulling part of his shirt over his head. Yeah, and I'M the one freaking out.
"Reeeelaaxxx, man," I put my hands behind my head," I actually enjoy this, surprisingly enough."
"Babies..." I mumbled to myself.
Not trying to be the most stereotypical teenager in my generation, but I go on my phone and see texts from both Gerty and Camila.
Gerty's text:
*HURRY UP! Geoff can't find his keys and we are stuck outside and you have another key
Dang, man. They really do need me. Ha.
I stand up and start heading towards our car. They both turned around giving me the 'IS THAT JESUS?!?' face. Geoff then realizes that his stupid keys are I his pockets,
"AGHHHH YESSS!!" He screams and quickly jumps into the car. I hop in right after Gerty does. I slam the door shut and shiver in my seat. As I only just begun to buckle my seat belt, Geoff zooms past the trees and groups of people flocking to their cars.
                          *   *   *
The rain caused so much traffic, even more than LA usually has. I look to my phone to see texts from Camila.
I thought I texted her back? I guess the whole 'we're gonna die from the water falling out of the sky ' thing made me forget to text back.
I then read the text.
*why don't we go public?
Oh gosh, this again. Yes, we have a private relationship, but not because I (or she) am embarrassed. I prefer to have a private relationship, because the entire world does not need to know every little detail in my life.
I text her back.
*a relationship does not need to be public in order to be perfect
I feel bad for Camila, because I suck at explaining things and it makes it sound like I'm embarrassed of us. I AM NOT. I just don't want to go through a relationship just to eventually get my heart torn out. Not to mention that everyone sees the type of heartache I'll be going through. It's just not their business. That's all.
*Shawn, I don't want to be secretive anymore
*We don't need the entire world on our shoulders
*we can just say we just began dating
*shawn I'm calling you
I then receive a call from her. I really questioned if I should answer at all. I stared at her beautiful face behind the words "Camila Cabello." I don't know why I don't change it to Karla.

I can't answer it.
I have to deal with it.
No, she's mad.
I can't just let it ring, we were just texting.
Don't do it.
I'm going to do it.

The voices in my head bounce around, back and forth, at war.
I then answer it, the stress weighing me down.

Camila ~
      Damn it, Shawn. Why aren't you answering the phone?
I want to yell from all of the rooftops that I love him. I want every sea and ocean to have a bottle with a note in it proclaiming my love for him. I want billboards with "I love Shawn Mendes" in laminated words plastered across them.

I guess I want too much......

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