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Camila ~
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" Shawn adds as I blushed.
"Thanks. You're not too shabby yourself." Shawn chuckles and runs his hand through his brown locks of hair.
"So, how's it in Canada? I'm guessing pretty cold."
"Ha ha, very funny." He replied sarcastically. "It's actually a bit humid here." We both giggled at each other.
"Hey, I'm actually tired, since, oh you know, IT IS MIDNIGHT! I'm going get some rest, you should too." He smiled at me as if he were  looking at a newborn baby.
"You know you are no fun. Anyway I know it's way past your bedtime since you usually go to sleep at like freaking nine!!! Have a good night, babe." I said, slouching back into my wooden chair.
"Good night, babe." He smiled as he ended the FaceTime.
I closed my laptop and locked my phone. I then walked into the bathroom to rinse my face and brush my teeth. As I had began doing the same old hygienic procedures, I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn. It killed me that he couldn't hold me in his arms. The warmth of his arms made me warm and fuzzy inside, and his smile, my god his smile, could light up an entire room. I love him so damn much.
I finished my night routine and headed into my bed. I felt awfully too lazy and tired to get changed so I drifted in to sleep in the same old clothes...
* * *
Knock knock
What the heck? Who is actually at my door at.....OH CRAP IT IS ALMOST ELEVEN!!! I can't believe I slept in for so long. To think that I'm a morning person too......
I quickly put on some sandals (yes I know, sooooo classy) and walked into the bathroom. I patted down my hair to make it look not so ratchet and ran out. Then, I ran to the front door, my ratchet looking hair blowing in the nonexistent breeze. I stopped at the door, breathe in and out, and opened the door.
"Hey babe." Shawn grins at me and gives me a small bouquet of flowers. (Shawn?! That definitely was not at all predictable 😝)
"Shawn!" My face gleamed in excitement as I quickly set the bouquet down on the small table and gave him a giant hug. He looked at me and made his peach pink lips meet mine.
"I thought you were in Canada?! How is this even possible?!?" I muffled into his maroon zip up jacket. He walked into my apartment as I shut the door. He took a seat at my brown, stained couch and began explaining. "I lied when I said I was tired last night. Well, actually, hold up, I'm lying right now, I really was tired. Ok, restart. So I-" He was cut off by my hysterical laughing. I took a seat right next to him, making me sandwiched between him and three of my white floral pillows. "Anyway, back to what I was saying." He placed his right hand on to my leg and commenced in telling his story correctly." Right after I ended the FaceTime, I quickly got redressed and ran out of the door with my suitcase and went for the airport. You see, I planned this ahead, buying tickets and such, just so I could come and see you." He tapped on my nose and gave my the prettiest smile I have ever seen. "I just can't believe you went through all of that trouble, just for me."
"I would go through any lengths just to be with you." He smiled and wrapped me in his embrace. Oh how I had missed his loving hugs. He pulled away and just looked at me. He pushed my hair behind me ear and began kissing my lips. It wasn't just a simple peck on my lips, it was passionate. The last time we kissed in such a manner, might have been something as crazy as four months ago. I didn't want to stop then again, I didn't want things to go too far, but a passionate kiss is always well needed.

        Kissing Camila was as if I had finally saved the princess- my princess from that bastard of a dragon after many years of imprisonment. It's the satisfying feeling you get after biting into a ripe and sweet apple on a sunny afternoon in July. These feelings are the only feelings I want. I could stay until the end of eternity locked to her luscious lips.
Her hands played in my hair and I rubbed her back.
The sound of Camila's vibrating phone clacked against the side table, causing us to pull apart. "Hello?" Camila answers, walking out of the room. I couldn't hear much of what she was saying, or to who for that matter.
[An hour and eleven minutes later]
"Sorry about that, Shawn. It was just my mom, asking me questions that moms usually ask."
"Oh, that's fine." I smiled as she set her phone in the table again.
"So, how long will you be staying here?" She asks, twirling her hair. God, she's so damn beautiful.
"I am only able to stay here for three days." She looked to her shoes and frowned.
"But, hey, let's make the most of it! Are you in?" She lifted her head up and smiled. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we began to kiss again. It was A quick one though. She then asked," Want to go grab some sushi? There is a place near here that sells the BEST California rolls."
"Abso-freaking-loutley!!!" She chuckled and I quickly picked her up "bridal-style" and spun her around in the living room for a bit.....until I tripped on one of her many tables and fell. Lucky for her, she landed right on top of me. Not so lucky for me, you know, being squished and all. We both laughed and sat up, backs against the couch. She intertwined her hand with mine and rested her head onto my shoulder.
"I love you, Shawn." She smiled as she looked at our hands together.
"Love you too." I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her hand.
Now this, this was the epitome of what love was.
               *   *   *
(For the next couple of chapters, I won't be explaining every little thing that they will be doing in the three days, just some of it 😊)

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