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Camila ~
The entire ride back home was silent. I wasn't sure if I should add to the nothingness in the air or just stay quiet like it already is. I looked over to Shawn's expressionless face.
Was he mad at me for leaving? I wouldn't blame him. That was a total dick move on my part. But, I don't want him to be mad. I want everything to go back to how it was before. I wish I didn't have doubts about him. Now, I've just made everything worse. If i could just turn back time and reverse my actions, I would.
"Do you still love me?" I asked as I looked at him. He didn't answer immediately. He was either focused on the road or just not paying attention to me.
"Yes." He said with no emotion.
"I'm so sorry, Shawn.  I feel so terrible." I leaned my head against the window in  embarrassment.
"Camila,"keeping his eyes on the road, he grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine,"I still love you. Ok? I somewhat understand what you went through. You had confused feelings. I understand. Don't beat yourself up about it."
We had finally pulled into our apartment building parking lot and drove into a spot. He got out and opened my door. I stepped out and he held my hand. He smiled at me and led the way up the stairs. Even with a gleaming smile, I still felt retched from what I did. How could I ever even don't my feelings toward him?
God, I wonder if he's still mad at me...

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