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Ten Days Later :
Shawn ~
      "And, what, you stayed there for two weeks?" The interviewer asked me as I held Camila's hand. Camila had fully recovered from the car accident and now we're in an interview to talk about how we both just disappeared for two weeks.
"Yeah, like, I couldn't just leave her there. You know what I mean?" I answered her.
"So, Camila, did Shawn give you that ring?" Camila looked down at her hand and smiled.
"Yeah," she replied," it just has a deeper meaning to it than just a black ring."
"Yeah," I interjected," I don't want to get too into detail, but, I just wanted her to remember me for a long time."
"Awwwww" the interviewer held her head in her hands and smiled at us.
"Camila, I hope you don't get into any more accidents and Shawn, have fun with her , will ya?" She winked at me and Camila.
"Up next on 17893.90 Radio, we'll tell you all about Kim and Kanye's new baby, Saint!" The interviewer went in with her job and we exited the building and entered the black SUV. The same SUV that I had been in when that entire situation had started. At least that jack ass driver isn't here this time.

"Shawn?" Camila intertwined her hand with mine and placed them on her leg. She looked at me with an extremely concerned face.
"Yeah?" I looked at Camila. God she's so beautiful.
"I don't think I've thanked you yet. So, thank you."
"For what?"
"For not giving up on me. After two weeks you still stayed with me."
"Why would I leave?"
"I don't know. I'm used to that happening so, really, this is the first time someone has actually stayed."
"I'm never leaving, you know that, right?"
She smiled and kissed my lips. I missed kissing her lips.

*. *. *. *. *.
We had made our way back to our apartment. Exhausted, we plopped onto the couch.
"Hey," Camila interrupted the silence," you know, we could have a little more fun..." She bit her lips and stared at me. We both got up and ran straight to the tv to get out our Xbox 1 console and controllers and began playing Call of duty: Black Ops.
What else did you think was going to happen?
For about an hour or two we sat on the ground as close to the tv as we could and just had fun playing video games.
I loved seeing Camila so into something. So passionate, even if it is just playing video games.
I love her.
As Camila rested her head on my shoulder, she slowly drifted away to sleep. I turned off the Xbox and set aside the controllers. I picked her up bridal style to our bedroom and laid her gently onto the bed. I pulled the covers over her kissed her forehead. Just as I was about to leave, she tugged at the bottom of my shirt.
"Shawn."she rubbed her eyes and stretched.
"Shhh, baby, go to sleep." I tried to put the blanket back over her but she pushed it away.
"Come lay with me." She held her arms out in front of me.
"Okay." She scooted over and I got under the covers.
"See?" She put her arming my waist as I did the same,"isn't this fun?" She and I smiled.
"Your eyes are so damn beautiful." I told her as she blushed.
"Not as beautiful as yours." I pressed my lips against hers and we kissed.
All I wanted was this. To be next to the most beautiful woman in the entire world and have her kiss my unworthy lips. I don't deserve her company, yet she allows me to be with her. She's honestly the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to purpose, but we're too young. I'd never regret marrying Camila, but I might regret marrying her too early.
"Is everything alright, Shawn?" Camila pulled away from our kiss and placed her hand in my cheek.
"Yeah, sorry, my mind just drifters off to somewhere else."
"If you want to talk about it, we can."
"I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Um, yeah. Yeah I'm sure."
"Ok, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for ya, babe." She smiled and rubbed my back.
"Don't worry, babe," I pulled her closer to me," everything is better when you're here." She kissed my lips once more and buried her head on my chest.
"Let's just sleep now." She mumbled u to my shirt.
"Sleep well, babe." I kissed her bead as she wrapped her arms around me. I then fell asleep in the embrace of my dear Camila.

(How cute are they in the photo up top? 😍)

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