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Camila ~
Shawn picks up the phone, I can hear his nervous breath. I don't know if I should answer first or just let him talk.
A full thirty seconds pass by and neither of us have talked. I guess we are both a bit nervous. I don't recall us ever getting into a fight before (at least not like this one). To break the silence, I started.
"Shawn?" I ask, wanting to hear his voice.
"Yes?" His soothing voice helped me calm down a bit, however, I was still upset.
"Shawn, do you not love me?"
"What? Why would you even say that?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Of course I love you!!! Where did you get that idea that I didn't?"
"Then WHY can't I tell anybody?" I began to basically shout through my phone.
"Why do we NEED to?"
"What, are you EMBARRASSED OF ME?!"
"Camila-" His voice slowed down.
"Oh my god. OH MY GOD!" I had an epiphany.
"Camila, can we jus-"
"Why would you be embarrassed of me?" I single tear fell out of my left eye, signifying pain. (That really is true. If your first tear drop comes out of your right eye, it's happiness. If it is your left eye or both at the same time, it's pain.) The man I love is embarrassed of me. Does he even love me at all? I couldn't help but cry. I sniffled through the phone and I could tell he could hear me.
"Camila, please stop crying. I'm not embarrassed, alright?" I could hear him back away from the phone and say," God."
I don't want to cry. I have cried over so many stupid things in my life that I just can't help but cry.
Soon after, he hung up on me.
Wow, is this someone I even want to say that I'm dating now? How can he just hang up? We're in an argument, he can't just leave. I look out of the window and began biting my nails. Don't judge me, I bite my nails whenever I'm sad or nervous. I don't really know what I'm feeling right now. To relieve the stress (or at least some of it) I go on Twitter. My newsfeed began to explode with "OMFG CAMILA YASSS," and "You two are too cute."
What the heck? This is weirder than usual. I've never seen this many "YASSS's" in my life. I notice they are all replying to a tweet from Shawn. What did he say this time?
I check it out to see that he tweeted about us.
The tweet:
I'm dating Camila guys. We've been dating for a year. Please don't hate. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️ @.camilacabello97
How am I supposed to feel about this? Glad? Relieved? I'm sure that he felt forced to do this.  I think the only way to "appreciate" this (I guess) is by hiding my feelings with a smile.
I don't feel it as necessary to tweet about the situation. We really are dating so, since he said it, there is no need to repeat it. So, I just liked it. Emphasizing that I approve/agree with it.

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