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{ The photo for this chapter is from another Wattpad book. I feel bad that I don't remember the name of it, but if I did I would say it. Tell me if you guys know where it's from. I screenshoted it a long time ago. Basically, it's not my picture, it just goes along with the chapter. Props/ credit to the owner of this.}

[Skip forward five days to Shawn's Capital FM radio interview]
Shawn ~
"So....." Max trailed off staring at me with an odd face." You and Camila are a thing eh?" She bit her lip (not in a sexual way) at me.
"Uhhhhh yeah." I'm so dumb when it comes to obvious questions, ha.
"You too are so cute. So... You guys have hid your relationship for an ENTIRE YEAR. Why?" My thumbs twiddled at the question.
"Just..... Didn't want it public, that's all." I flashed a smile to her and she returned one. She was sweet.

*. *. *.
The interview had finally ended and I stepped out of the building I peered at fans running towards me right before my bodyguard John stopped them from tackling me.
I quickly hopped into the SUV after taking pictures with the fans and went straight to my phone. Really sad, but don't blame me for using something I bought. As soon as I turn on my phone I see h I have six missed calls from Camila. Why would she need to call me that many times? I tapped on her name to call her. Immediately after I pressed her name, she answered.
"Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, Shawn...." Camila was huffing through the phone and what seemed to be sobbing as well.
"Woah, what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked her in a worried manned.
" into a car accident....."
"What?!?? Where?!? Are you okay?!?"
"I got in a car crash on West Man....Manchester Avenue near the airport."
"Are you at a hospital??"
"It hurts... a lot"
She began fully sobbing through the phone. I wanted to be there for her. I NEEDED to be there for her.
"Camila, just take a deep breath, it's going to be all right."
"It's.......its... A lot of blood. I'm going to die. Shawn, I'm going to die, Shaw-"
She suddenly got cut off.
"Camila? Camila?!?? Speak to me..... CAMILA!!!!" I began to cry, the love of my life, for all I know has just died. Oh my god, her last word was my name. IT WAS MY NAME. WHY ME?!? The agony began to build up inside of me. I didn't want to hang up, but I didn't want to continue hearing a woman in the background ( who I assume is a paramedic) trying to "wake her up."
I couldn't handle it. I hung up the phone and aggressively threw to the floor of the SUV. I laid my head in my hands and cried harder than I ever have cried before.
"Go to the hospital near the airport." I monotonously told the driver.
"HOSPITAL. NOW!!!" I commanded him. He did not reply, but just made a u-turn.
"Shawn, calm down." Gerty attempted lessen my frustration.
"I AM CALM..... I'm calm..." I replied. What am I turning to?
Now, I'm just full out crying into the stupid palms of my hands in this stupid car that isn't going fast at fucking all.

Camila. Is. Not. Dead.
God help me.

{Very Eventful, like damn. I would just like to say that if you guys have any cool ideas for this book, you can message me about them. I promise I'll answer back (hopefully). ✌️}

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