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One Day Later
Shawn ~
"I'm sorry, but she's in a coma. There's nothing we can do." Another doctor had come in to talk to me about Camila. Because of the damn power outage, Camila almost died. Lucky for her strong immune system, she survived.
Just after it had happened, they told me that she had officially been proclaimed to be in a coma (if that wasn't obvious before).

Geoff, Gerty, and John had left because they "had better things to do."
Complete assholes.
Now, I'm just here to support her. My one true love is in a coma. Wow, bet you they don't have that in their medical analysis'.
It's hard to breathe knowing that she might not be alive at any given second now. It's hard to do anything now.

Day Two :
Shawn ~
I haven't been able to eat today or yesterday. It's not just that hospital food is just as disgusting as school food, but I feel as though I'm just taunting her. All of the necessary nutrients that she needs to stay healthy and alive are give to her through a tube on the side of her stomach.

I know that she can't see me, but I know that she can feel me there.

Day Three:
Shawn ~
Camila's shit excuse for a pair of parents had finally come to the hospital to check in on her. What a fucking joke. They never once called her or my phone.
Yesterday before I fell asleep, I had called her parents to ask when they would arrive, and they didn't even know that their own DAUGHTER was in a car accident or in a coma for that matter.
F.U.C.K.I.N.G.  J.O.K.E.S.
They had been more concerned on if I was going to pay her hospital bills or not. Instead of their own daughter's health and substantial well being, the were more focused on money.
I had someone in the hospital take them out of the room. It took a lot of convincing since they're her parents, but i made it happen and now they are out of the picture, at least for now.

I held Camila's hand and kissed it. I've done that every day since she's been in this god forsaken hospital at exactly 6:49 PM. That's the time when we had shared our first kiss. God how I  wished I could go back to those simpler times. Oh how I wish I could re-live that first kiss.

Oh how I wished she would walk up.....

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