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It's the day:
Shawn ~
     I woke up from the worst nights sleep I have ever had in my entire life. I look over to my phone and see that it's 2:18 PM. How did I sleep so damn long?
The only real question is when do I do it?
                   *. *. *. *. *.
It's 6:27 now, I've decided, over the course of like a century, I'll do it the time of our first kiss; 6:49.
Fuck, what do I even do with my life? I'll probably end up just quitting. Quitting my career, quitting my friendships....... Quitting life (or at least not be involve with the outside world).

I took a deep breath and sat on Camila's bed. I took her hand and slid my favorite black copper ring onto her finger.
"Camila," I began to talk to her for the last time and cried," don't forget about your life here on earth, please. Don't forget about all of the amazing things you have accomplished in your life. Don't forget how much your parents love you, your sister loves you, your friends love you, and how I love you."

"Oh, god, sorry. I'm getting tears all over your hand and arm....and your ring. Take this ring with you up to heaven for me, please. Take all of the good times you and I have had over the years too. I know that in a billion years your body won't be like it is right now. It won't look all peachy and beautiful and full of life. It'll be rotting corpse in the ground. But..... You'll have this ring with you. So.... So when ever you feel sad, just look down at your hand."

"I love you Camila. You're the only person I have ever felt this way before with. You're my first love and my only love. The way you wake up in the morning is so fucking cute. Oh, also the way you dance to songs. It's both cute and funny at the same time. How is that even possible? God you're amazing. You're extremely talented and really just fun to hang out with. Fuck, I don't know what I'm going to do when you're gone."
I glance at the clock and see that it's already 6:48. Shit, did I talk for that long?
"Camila, my princess, go have fun in heaven. I'll meet you there when it's my time. I love you."
I stood up and leaned her body forward, no longer laying on the bed. I held her head in my hand and stroked her cheek. I leaned in and kissed her beautiful, pink lips one last time.

All of the sudden I felt her kissing back. I felt her squeezing my hand. I felt alive.
I had felt her and my tears stream down our faces.
Is this a dream or just a terrible nightmare?
I pulled back and saw her beautiful eyes peering at me. I didn't want to look away. Tears rolled down her cheeks as a smile had risen.
"Shawn...." She smiled and cried even more, pulling me in for a hug. I squeezed until I had no more strength.
"Oh my god. Camila!" I mumbled into her shoulder and I kissed her once more. I pulled back and we wiped away the tears from our faces.
"How is this even possible?!?" I shouted to her as I couldn't help but hug her.

"True love's kiss."

I couldn't agree more.

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