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Camila ~
I wake up to a sleeping Shawn with his arms wrapped around my waist, shirtless. When did he take his shirt off? He started to shift around and I acted as if I were sleeping. He wrapped his legs around mine. Now, I'm fully wrapped in his warm embrace. I could feel his small breaths against my shoulder, he is definitely asleep. I live for these nice moments. Moments like these are just the cherry on top of my fudge sundae.
His hand suddenly intertwines with mine and his thumb begins to rub my hand.
Oh my god this is so cute.
I glance over my shoulder to see if he is awake or not. To my surprise, he is still asleep.
Oh my god he is asleep and he is still holding my hand.
I carefully press the home button on my phone to see that it is 8:37 A.M.
"Camila?" Shawn asks in his sexy, raspy, morning voice. His morning voice was literally to die for. I acted as if I had only just woken up. "Yeah, Shawn?" I rub my eyes.
"Just wanted to see if you were awake, babe." He kissed my cheek and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled at that moment. I could stay like this forever.
                    *    *    *
[On the third day]
Shawn ~
      It sucks that I can't spend the entire day with my love, Camila. I have to get on a plane to Toronto to perform. Just to add an even more unbearable thing, I have to start heading to the airport in an hour.
"I wish you wouldn't have to go." Camila breaks the silence and wraps her tiny arms around my neck. She's so beautiful, I can't help but stare.
"I know, but I'm just really busy, babe. I promise we'll do this again." She smiles at me and she gives me a small kiss. Such a tease, I love it.
"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?"
"Thanks, but a friend of mine plans to drop me off."
"Ok, don't forget to text me, and call me, and FaceTime me and-" My laughs cut her off. "Babe," I say mid-laugh," don't worry. Ok? I'll do all of the things. Just for you, darling." I kissed her one last time before squeezing her in my hug (hey, I'm a big guy! Don't judge me.).
"Bye." I told her, waving goodbye.
"Bye-bye!!" She replied in a quirky manner. That was so cute. Being in her presence alone could light up anybody's day.

Camila ~
"Bye-bye!!" I reply to Shawn as he closes the door. Now I'm back to being alone. I don't know why, but I don't like to be alone. Call it human nature, but being alone sucks. It's my worst fear. Being with Shawn for these past three days is all I have ever wanted. Now, he has to go to Toronto and I am just going to stay here for the next two days until the rest of Fifth Harmony have to meet up in Hollywood to perform "Worth It" on Jimmy Kimmel Live. My apartment is nowhere near where any of my friends live, and sure I'd love to hang out with my family, but (call me selfish) everyone needs a break from their family every once and a while. My friends whom have grown up with me are either busy in college getting degrees, or they're out and about in the world and don't have time for Miami anymore. So, cheers (I guess) to two more days of being alone. Maybe I should get a roommate....

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