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Shawn ~
           "What the hell, Austin?!?" A man yelled at him discerningly as Austin looked afraid. Every glance Austin and I shared, there was hate in them.
What got into him that made him want to attack me like that? Especially in public?!
Camila squeezed my hand as she stood along side me. Camila chose to stay with me, even though she's presenting an award with Fifth Harmony. Yup, she's gotten a lot of yelling because of that. I'm glad she's staying by me right now. Occasionally, she touches my bruises, making me wince me.
"Babe," Camila whispers,"you need to get cleaned up." She pulls me away from Austin and her and I walk into a men's restroom. I look into the mirror as Camila takes a paper towel and wets it.
"Thanks Camila." I said as she began wiping away small drops of blood on my face.
"No problem. I would kiss your cheek, but, you know... I wouldn't." She and I giggled.
"Uh....Shawn," Austin walked into the restroom as Camila and I backed up," I wanted to apologize for being arrogant." He scratched the back I his neck.
I chose not reply to him and continued to wipe my face. Camila did the same.
"Come on, Shawn. Can't you just cooperate with me? This one time?" He poked at my shoulder.
"Just leave him alone, Austin." Camila added in, moving her way in between me and Austin.
Austin maniacally laughed at her. I put my arm in front of her, somewhat blocking him from her.
"Why are you still with this loser?" He glared at me as he took one step closer to Camila.
"Unlike our past relationship, I actually love him." She put her hair behind her ear.
"Just hear me out. I still love you, Camila. I could give you everything you ever wanted-"
"I already have everything I've ever wanted." Austin gave her a confused look and smiled.
"No you don't." He put his hand on her waist, but she quickly swatted it away.
"Fine," he put his hands up as if he was surrendering," but when this whole...'thing' blows off, don't come crawling back to me." He turned around and walked away.
With my arm still in form of her, I could feel her chest breathe in and out dysfunctionally.
Camila then turned to me and said, "That guy seriously needs to drink some bleach."

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