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Shawn ~
          We had finally arrived at the hospital and this jackass driver decided to park all the way in the fucking back. At first I thought he was taking a short cut, but knowing well I was in a rush, he still parked in the fucking back. Just as we pulled into the spot, he pulled out of it he spot and drove even more down. What a fucking dip shit.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at the driver.
"I don't want the car to get scratched." He replied with no emotion. MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND MIGHT BE DEAD AND YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT YOUR DAMN CAR!!
It began to drizzle and I contemplated if I should beat up this dumb driver right now. He continued to drive farther down like the dumbass he is. I couldn't handle this guy's idiocy anymore. Right then and there I unbuckled my seat belt and threw the door open.
"Shawn! What are you doing?!" John asked in a worried and kinda "what the hell" manner. I ignored him and quickly hopped out of the car. The car had been moving so as soon as my feet met the ground, I stumbled and rolled across the cement, but quickly got on my feet and started sprinting toward the building.
Every rain drop that fell from the sky seemed to splatter just on my face as I ran across the parking lot.
I finally reached the building all soaked in water and frantically awaited for the receptionist.
"Oh boy, looks like you have gotten yourself in a sticky situation, eh?" the woman tried to calm me down , but there was no calming me down.
"Ca...Camila.....Ca...Ca...Cabello" I somehow got out trying to catch my breath. That is a hella big parking lot, man.
"Okay..." She put her glasses on and licked her lips as she first liked through a sheet of paper on the clip board and then to the computer," let's see..... Ah, yes. Room.... 43. But you shou-" I immediately cut her off and started running down the hall. Staring at each room number plaque on the wall, my eyes finally met with room 45. I came to a halt and just stood in front of the door. The room window's had closed blinds, so I couldn't see inside.
Is she dead? Fuck. My hand rested upon the glass of the window as even more tears streamed down my face.
Do I go in? Should I just let her be alone? I couldn't tell if she needs me in there or not. However, I was certain that I needed to be in there. There was absolutely no way I would leave her in her absolute time of need.
I inhaled.
Please let her live.
I grabbed the door handle.
Please let her live.
Then, turned it to the left and pushed.


                *.   *.   *.  *.  *.
Hey guys!! Hope you're enjoying the story!
I was recently tagged in "The hella cool Q and A only for hella cool people " (yes I really just called it that ) by fifthharmonybabies . Thank you for tagging me! I love your book! Also, fuck your now ex boyfriend!
Anyway, I'll start it off by tagging some people.
I'm going to be honest I don't have thirteen people to, you know, tag 😐.
Anyway, if you want to see the rules you can check fifthharmonybabies tag chapter. (According to the rules I'm supposed to write the tags down here, but I'm a rebel so).
Here are the questions:

1. Who is your crush?
- All the guys at my school aren't that favorable, so I'll have to say Shawn Mendes.

2. Are you dating anyone?

3. Have you ever had a boyfriend? If so, what happened?
- I did, but I broke up with him because he is too immature and is kinda rude to my friends. He also goes on and on and on about stupid video games.

4.  When was the last time you cried?
- Technically, at lunch today because of an eyelash that was in my eye. But on a real crying moment, a couple of days ago because some really close people to me just kind deteriorated my confidence in being independent and stuff. But I was like, you know what, you can kiss my butt.

5. Are you a male or a female?
- Female

6. What are you afraid of?
- Dying/ death in general; it scares me that we don't know what happens after we die.

7. Who is your favorite president?
- John F. Kennedy

8. What's your weakness?
- I don't know, probably anything math, really good food, and fuck boys.

8. What's your strength?
- This first one is lame but writing essays. Yes, specifically essays. Other than that, I would like to say singing.

9. What's your favorite TV show?
- Scream Queens 🔪💅🏻

10. What's your favorite food?
- Mashed potatoes

11. Do you get good grades?
- I get A's and B's so I guess you could say I do.

12. Where do you live?
- I live in a city in a country on a continent in a planet. Ha.

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