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Camila ~
Shawn and I are on our way back to our apartment. They kicked Shawn out of the show, so I left with him. Probably not the best thing to do since I'm in a band and we are presenting an award, but it felt right to stick with my boyfriend.
He and I are sitting in a black SUV driving in the highway.
"Are you okay, Camila?" Shawn turned to me and asked.
"Me? Your the one with bruises! Are YOU okay?" I gently lied my hand on his cheek.
Even then, after a while, it still hurt him. Austin has some nerve.
"Yeah, I'll be alright. But you're caught in the crossfire of all of this. How are you dealing with all of this crap?"
"I'm fine. Honestly, Austin just doesn't know what no means." I rolled my eyes at the thought of Austin.
"He's jealous." Shawn added in.
"Of us?"
"Of me. He's jealous at the fact that I'm dating you. He wants you."
I sighed at his stupidity. Maybe he shouldn't have cheated on me. Honestly, I'm glad that he did. If he hadn't, I probably would not be dating Shawn, the love of my life.

We finally arrived at our apartment. Shawn and I hopped out of the car. We walked up the multiple flights of stairs and got into our room. This has certainly been a long ass day.
I plop onto our couch and close my eyes in exhaustion.

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