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Camila ~
       I couldn't be any happier that Shawn came here to see me, even if it is just for three days. I will always cherish these small moments forever.

*dun duh dun duh
My phone alarm went off next to me. It was 9:45 and Shawn and I have just been on Netflix watching a bunch of comedic movies like "Mean Girls" and "Barely Lethal".
"Phone call?"Shawn asked me, pulling the cover over his legs.
"Nope. I have an alarm set up for fifteen minutes before I want to go to sleep. It reminds me to listen to music. You know, listening to music fifteen minutes before bed is healthy for you."
"Then let's pump some tunes!" Shawn says excitingly, quickly snatching my phone out of my hands and logging into his Spotify account.
"You know, I could have just looked some songs up." I add, bumping my shoulder into his and shutting the TV off.
"I know." He smirks at me and winks. I rest my head on his shoulder. I look over to my phone and see that 80% of his music is John Mayer and other related artists. The last 20% is random; from The Weeknd to Lana Del Ray. Surprisingly enough, he played The Weeknd's song,"Angel." Shawn set my phone on the table next to him( yes I realize there are a lot of tables in my house) and held my head in his hand, looked at me (making me blush) and kissed my lips.
"You're so beautiful." I could feel him smiling through the kiss:I smiled back. He leaned forward, laying me down on the bed. He hovered over my body, not once letting go of my lips. He puts his hand in my shirt, but push his hand away. I....just don't think I'm ready for that. He puts his hand on the back of my thigh, lifting my leg up.
"Stop, please." I whisper mid-kiss.
"What?" Shawn replied confused, his hand inched up my thigh.
"Shawn, no, please." I pushed his hand off of my thigh, my leg flopped on to the bed.
Shawn pulls away and says," What are you doing?" He sat up against the backboard of the bed. I sat up as well to face him.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not comfortable with doing....'it' yet." I brushed my hair behind my ear and looked towards the door. I don't exactly know why, but I feel embarrassed for not wanting to do "it." I look back at Shawn to see his head resting in his hands and his head shaking left to right.
"Oh Camila, I'm so sorry. You should've told me you weren't ready, because I would have stopped immediately. Oh god, I just feel so terrible. I'm sorry." He cautiously gave me a hug, I could tell that he was not sure if I would let him hug me or not. To reassure him, I hugged him back. He rubbed my back and pulled away.
"If I EVER do anything that you are not ok with, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me and I will stop."
"Shawn, it's not that big of a-" He cut me off.
"No, it is. I'm serious. I don't want to pressure you to do anything you don't want to do." He pecked my cheek and walked out of the room.
I really did not mean to make that as dramatic as it turned out to be. I walked out of the room to see Shawn sitting on the couch, messing with his fingers.
"Shawn, it was a small thing, come back in here, please."
"You're right, you're right. Sorry for over reacting." He smiled and ran into the bedroom. "Happy Anniversary, babe." He smiled and kissed my cheek. Soon after, he crawled up next to me and put his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek once more.
"Happy one year, babe." I replied, turning off the lamp and drifting off to sleep. It felt amazing to be in the warmth of his arms once more.

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