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Shawn ~
I had woken up to Camila lying on my bare chest without any clothes on. Her soft snores told me that she was still asleep. I looked under the covers and saw that I was naked as well. How did I forget about that? This isn't awkward at all.....
I lightly nudged Camila off of my chest without waking her up. I got off of our bed and quietly walked to the closet to dress myself. I put on some boxers and a black fleece shirt. I turned back into the room and sat back onto the bed. I grabbed my phone and in the reflection alone I could see just how crazy my hair looks. I can't look like this! I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair. It sounds weird, but I'd rather not go in public with sex hair.
I walked out of the bathroom and faced Camila's bare back. She had just woken up (duh).
I go up behind her and rub her shoulders.
"Good morning, babe." I kissed her cheek and lied back down on the bed. She rubbed her eyes in exhaustion and smiled at me. Her bright smile woke me up. She reached down and grabbed my hoodie. She put it on and took in the smell of the hoodie. The hoodie was too big on her and it covered her down to her knees. She lied next to me and looked into my eyes.
"What?" I asked giggling. She closed her eyes and curved a smile on her face.  "You're all mine." She pecked a kiss on my lips.
"And you're all mine." I intertwined my hands with hers. She then rested her head on my chest and hiccuped. I could feel each breath she took and I thought they were beautiful.
"Shawn?" She looked up at me with a grin on her face.
"Yes?"I replied.
She sat up and played with my hair.
"Let's get married." She giggles and continued braiding my hair. I gently grabbed her wrists and put them down in the bed. I don't think she fully understood what she just said.
"You want us to what?!?" I said.
"Let's get married." She leaned over to me at kissed my lips. How could I kiss her back when she wants us to get married.
"You do realize that I'm only nineteen (pretend he and Camila are theses ages) and you're only twenty, right?"
"Yeah, but I just want to marry you so bad."
"Camila, I don't know if you're just excited because you had sex for the first time or you're just high, but we're too young to get married."
"Come on, Shawn. We can just get married on our own terms. We don't need a big ceremony and we don't even need to tell anybody."
She lifted her hand up to my face and caressed my cheek.
"Shawn," she spoke in a serious tone," I love you so much and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please just marry me."
"Camila," I held onto her hand which was still on my cheek," we're still too young. You're just getting ahead of yourself."
She let go of my cheek and looked down. What is she thinking about this?
"You're right, never mind." She stood up and began walking out of the room.
"Where are you going?" I sat up in the bed.
"I'm getting breakfast. You want some?" She asked.
"I'm good." She walked out and left.
I hope she's not going to overthink this.....

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