Chapter 1 - The Over View

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Daryl POV

In this world you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain. You either kill and you live or you die and you kill. We fight the dead, fear the living. That's what this world is now and there's no escape from it. When the lifeless come back as mindless creatures with the only instinct to kill and consume the living, yeah... We're screwed...

I would envisage at least half the population has been wiped out by now and counting. Still no cure we know of. No safe house, electricity, running water, no bed, no food, no water, no roof over your head, no showers, no nothing. Just surviving.

The world had developed to complete and utter shit.

Me, my brother - Merle and girlfriend - Layla ended up in this camp just outside the city (Atlanta) where it was meant to be innocuous but no one had any sort of guaranteed safety now a days. We were there with a horde of other people, some with families, too. We had tents and camp beds too so at least we had somewhere to sleep.

To be frank, I didn't really know everyone in camp that well. I knew Layla and Merle obviously. Then there were these sisters - Amy and Andrea. They had large age gap (Amy being the younger one) but were really close. There was Lori and Carl, mother and son. They said last time they heard, the father of the family was dead. Something about him being in a coma when it all kicked off.

Then there was the Morales family, the father (whom we just called Morales); his wife Miranda and his two little kids. Then Dale, an elderly man with an RV. Always on look out on top of the RV for people... Or walkers.

Walkers. Walkers is one of the many terms for these creatures. The creatures that want to tear you apart, limb by limb, and sink their rotting teeth into your flesh. They don't give a shit where you've been, who you are, what you were, what you have done, they're just looking for summit to eat.

Anyways, carrying on, there's this other family. It consists of Carol and Ed who I think are married then their daughter - Sophia. They seem like a happy bunch at first glance but with the amount of time I've spent with them... You'd think different. I'm pretty sure Ed abuses his wife and daughter. They always seem so afraid of him, so helpless in front of him, weak, suffering and obedient. It's horrible. Sophia never leaves her mother's side, she's always following her, like she's he mom's little shadow. Thing is though, I don't see why he does it. He may think he's tough 'n' whatever or owns them but really it just shows that he can't spend time with his only family without being violent. It's like he forces them to love him. It's disgusting.

There's Shane. Sort of runs this camp, leader type. He used to be sheriff's deputy so he knows his stuff. Just so happens too his partner was Lori's husband and Shane, Lori and Carl already knew each other. Shane knows his guns, he knows how to handle people, it's his job for god's sake, he's gotta know how to do shit like that.

Another, sort of Shane's right hand man, is Glenn. Youngest adult in the camp, 21 maybe 22. Asian kid, he's quick and clever. He could lead but I think Shane sort of took the possibility away from him. He makes runs by himself into the city sometimes to get supplies and because he is quick and quiet, returns with not even a scratch.

There's another few I know of, T-Dog, Jim, Jacqui... Don't really know them, don't really talk to them. They're just sort of there, you know? They were a bunch other people there too, they sort of laid back, didn't say much, kept themselves to themselves. To be truthful, I would love to be like that, just away from everyone at camp apart from Layla and Merle but I couldn't. Merle was way too boisterous and outgoing plus we were all decent fighters so we sort of got up front in camp. Popularity not for the good, but for being the three always-pissed-off; if-you-annoy-me-I-will-shoot-you type people... Not particularly nice labels but they were ours.

So that's the people in our camp. We're sort of on a hill, we have a big lake near us where we can wash out clothes and bathe and stuff, then there's an even bigger hill next to ours, a giant forest where we can hunt and get berries or whatever from and then a large gravelled/grassy/muddy terrain where all the tents are set up. The main part of camp had gravel and a few patches of green here and there. Near the middle, there were two main fires set up that we light over the evening only small fires though, we couldn't risk being seen from a distance, walker nor human should gain any knowledge about our camp here.

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