Chapter 21 - Who's The Redneck Now?

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The man looked up at me as I barged in. He was distracted for a second. Layla took the opportunity to wriggle free, kicking him in his leg then punching him in the face. She crawled over to me, the man realising what was going on. He made a dash for the door I was near, attempting to barge out but I had different plans. Just before he reached me, I held out my knife, blade pointing away from me, hoping he would just run into it but it seemed he was smarter than that.

Just before he reached the knife he managed to stop himself from plunging into it and ran back into the cabin, away from us. He cowered to the corner even though his expression was perfectly calm. I gave my crossbow to Layla so she could defend herself whilst I had my knife.

"He's got nothing on him... Weapons wise..." Layla informed me.

"What's your name man?" I asked him, still standing in front of Layla with my knife in one hand and holding hers with my other. She was sitting on the floor and had taken the rag from my back pocket, cleaning up her blood covered face.

"Jae." He answered simply, like he was at a questioning with the cops or something.

"Jae what?" I said.

"Jenner." Said Jae. Jae Jenner. I don't think words exist for how pathetic he is. "Yours? I know Jodie but what about you redneck?" He continued. Jodie? Who the hell was Jodie? I thought about it for a second then realised Layla must've given him a fake name. Clever. I decided just to ignore his questions though.

"Jae Jenner." I paused. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?" I yelled as loud as I could, making him jump slightly from the sudden noise. I let go of Layla's hand and lunged towards him, edging closer as I carried on shouting. "YOU DO NOT. YOU DON'T TOUCH HER! WHAT'S THE POINT MAN? YOU SICK BASTARD! YOUR EVEN MORE DISGUSTING THAN EVERY WALKER ON THIS PLANET ALONG WITH EVERY OTHER LOW LIFE THAT WOULD DO SUMMIT LIKE THAT!"

I was now close enough to make my move. Before he could say anything, I dove the knife into his throat. I left it there for a second as he gurgled for breath through his own blood, his hands reaching for the handle to pull it out but I still had a firm grip on it. He wasn't going anywhere. I heard Layla gasp behind me as I sharply twisted the knife, causing him more pain then flicked it out, turning his neck to masses of red shreds. He collapsed on the floor, holding his neck as he suffocated on his own blood. His neck literally stained all over red.

"Who's the redneck now?" I spat at him just before he passed out and died. What he deserved.

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