Chapter 37 - Another Sip

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"Why don't we just stay here?" I asked nervously. He gave me a confused look then looked around, I guess checking for walkers or maybe he heard something, I'm not sure.

"What with a bunch of drooling freaks running around these woods ready to tear us apart limb by limb?" He scoffed at my suggestion. Tear us apart limb by limb. A wave of grief came over me remembering that that's exactly what Alice told Daryl I would do in my dream if he didn't kill me. It gave me shivers just imagining that knife being thrown and plummeting into my reanimated disgusting body. I took another small sip and shrugged.

"You really don't give a crap do you?" He half laughed at my attitude and I slid down the shed and sat leaning against it as my legs were still aching. I just frowned and shrugged again at his question. "Suit yourself then. Whatever." He sneered and sat up against the shed near me. It was silent for the time being as I continued to sip at the drink.

"You got an alcohol problem I don't know about?" He asked looking over to me. I saw I had drank about a quarter the container within about 15 minutes. Oops. I was still a bit offended by his question though.

"No!" I replied hysterically but he just raised his eyebrows doubtingly. "I'm not an alcoholic!" I scoffed annoyed.

"Well you were straight onto that as soon as we found it, you're the one who wanted to drink." He pointed out. True but there were reasons and I haven't drank in ages and I'm in pain.

"I'm not an alcoholic!" I whined but couldn't help drinking again. "There's just... Stuff... It don't matter..." I sort of wanted to tell him but I knew he probably wouldn't care.

"Stuff?" He asked eagerly. Guess he did care for somewhat.

"Look, it's stupid, it doesn't matter." I said shaking my head and stretching out my legs.

"If it can make you drink like that, I'm sure it does." He lowered his tone to a more serious posture, He was right but I was never gonna admit that.

"It's just that the last time I had rum was my 19th birthday. Me and my elder brother and sister and my friend had a night of basically just this stuff and a few other things. It just brings back the memories, ya know?" I choked slightly, tears coming to my eyes for no reason.

"Mike, Amelia and Alice? Am I right?" Wait how the hell does he know? I nodded.

"How d'ya know that?" I questioned, I don't recall telling him that. Hell. He barely knows anything or at least I've never told him.

"Heard you telling Merle and Merle himself told me." He shrugged as I saw him reach behind him and grab a bottle of rum.

"What you doing?"

"Clearin' it. See how much of that stuff's in there. Whoever used to live here sure had a problem" He muttered and pointed to the ashes of the burnt wood. I told him about the night I was talking about on my 19th birthday and by the time I'd finished, I'd also finished the drink I had.

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