Chapter 36 - The Shed

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It had to have been 45 minutes or something like that. It seemed like these damn tracks went on forever and ever. Daryl hadn't taken his eyes off them so he probably hadn't realized what I saw. There was a small shed, no bigger than a few feet wide. Like a sort of garden shed. Apart from it wasn't exactly fully intact. I saw a large pile of ashes and half burnt wood near it. The roof of the shed was slightly black but the rest looked fine. It seemed as if this was someone's house that someone burnt down. Shame really but can't change anything about it now. I whistled softly to get his attention. He looked at me as I gestured towards the shed. He looked at it then back at me.

"What d'ya thinks in there," I asked slipping a smile at the unknown. I needed something to distract me from the aches. He shrugged then took one last glance at the tracks and made his way towards the shed and burnt wood. I raised my crossbow and so did he as he got closer to the shed and stood outside, Daryl's hand on the handle.

"3... 2... 1..." He mouthed to me before swinging open the shed door violently. There were no walkers in there and no people. Nope. Just stacks of these large jugs, glasses and containers of a darkened golden brown colored liquid in most of them.

"What is that?" I leant in towards them, trying to find out what it was but didn't want to taste it or touch it for myself. Unlike Daryl. He picked up the nearest bottle to him and popped it open, taking a whiff of whatever the content inside was. I saw him then take a small sip and offer it to me. I hesitated, still not knowing what it was and Daryl saw that. He gestured again and I cautiously took it from him and took a sip.

"Its rum," Daryl noted before I could tell. Him saying that made me instantly recognize the taste. I hadn't had rum in years, the taste of it bringing back the faded memories of England and my older siblings. It was the night of my 19th birthday, it was a couple weeks before I was gonna move to America and my older brother, who was 21 at the time, and older sister, who was 24 at the time, organized for us three and Alice, who was already 19, so we could do something for my birthday. Just the four of us listened to music, watched horror movies and it's when I tried rum for the first time. I didn't really want to but my brother sort of forced me too as it was his favorite. He was never gonna let me go quietly without trying it. I had never had rum since and since that was the main drink at that little get together, it always brought back that.

"You alight?" I heard Daryl say realizing I had probably been day dreaming just holding the bottle for a second.

"Oh... Ummm, yeah." I laughed at my delusional memories and took a large sip of rum before handing it back to Daryl.

"Sure ya don't want any more?" He jeered. He was probably trying to be funny or sarcastic but a sudden urge came over me and I snatched the bottle back. "Woah then, whatever you say." He arched his eyebrows sort of surprised and draped his crossbow back over his shoulder. I drank again, the memories of my family spilling with every gulp. I remember watching this movie and Alice was that drunk, she began shouting at the TV about how stupid the characters were. Amelia and I sober, laughing just as much at their stupidity. I smirked again. God, Daryl must think I'm crazy. I wanted to stay forever and just remember here with Daryl at my side. It was a long shot but better sober than never.

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